make me feel ↠ song request #1

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"you make me feel like i've never been in love beforegot me wishin', got me hopin' it's real'cause i never had someone like youno, i never knew a love like you

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"you make me feel
like i've never been in love before
got me wishin', got me hopin' it's real
'cause i never had someone like you
no, i never knew a love like you."
make me feel x star cast

Your bottom lip was tucked tightly under your top row of teeth. Your fingertips trailed over the caramel skin of your lover as he looked back into your glistening orbs, admiring the love he could see reflecting against them. Your heart fluttered once you heard the deep chuckle that escaped from his lips due to your thumb running over and pulling on his bottom lip softly. You closed your eyes and let the sun reflect its rays against your pearly whites, for you had found yourself smiling this hard every time you were around him, the man who made your life feel like a cliché love story.

"You're so gorgeous, baby girl," he whispered, his fingers running through your two day old curls. You fluttered your eyes open to take notice of the freckles upon his delicate skin; there were more of them, as though they resembled the pieces of your heart you willingly gave him every second of the day. "You make me feel gorgeous," you gushed, your hand finally resting upon his bare chest.

He licked his luscious lips slowly, examining your facial features before speaking once more, "Are you still afraid?" The question caught you off guard to say the least, but you had become accustomed to keeping your emotions hidden—that is, until you met Keith. He could see the difference in your body language which made him sigh apologetically, "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to—" "You didn't," you reassured, cutting him off before he could express how sorry he was to keep you from feeling as though something was wrong with you.. again.

You hated how much of your past still affected the amazing relationship you had going on now. Keith was so different from every other guy you had grown attracted to; if anything, he was a man, not a boy trying to portray one. He knew about all your pain, all your worries—he reassured you of them all, but those feelings you thought you had closure from always seemed to resurface when you found yourself falling even harder for Keith as the days went by. He noticed, and it was always a habit of his to ask if you were 'still scared'—not because he was annoyed by your feelings—but because he genuinely cared about your wellbeing. You weren't accustomed to the tender love and care Keith was willing to give you all in such a short time period, and that alone did scare you. It scared you because you didn't know if you could reciprocate that same love and affection back to him because of your past.

     "I'm not as scared as I was before," you admitted, earning a soft nod from Keith, "In fact.. I'm not scared because of the reason you think I'm scared, baby." Keith furrowed his eyebrows in slight confusion, shifting his position under the covers that decorated your bed, "What do you mean?" You let out a soft sigh as you looked down for a quick second, looking back up at Keith, "I.. I'm scared because I've never put this much trust into someone before. I'm scared because.. because you're giving me so much.. and I don't know if I can give all of it back to you. I don't want you to leave me because of it—you're the best thing that's ever happened to me—but.. I just.. I'm sorry."

     Keith's eyes softened at your words. He felt his heart beginning to break due to how you felt. He never wanted you to feel as though you were obligated to do everything he did for you, and more. That wasn't how a relationship was supposed to work to him; everything would come naturally, with time—he knew this when he first pursed you. "Princess, you think I expect you to do all of this? Especially when I'm just now starting to mend your heart back together? That's not what all this is about, mama; this is about me getting you back to a place where you feel like you can love again. I don't care about you giving me anything—I want to show you how much I adore you, how much you mean to me, (Your Name). You've changed me, even if you don't notice that you have; everything I do is for you, and that's never gonna change," Keith said, kissing your tears away once he saw a couple streaming down your cheeks.

     "What did I ever do to deserve you?" you croaked, sniffling a little as Keith continued to look at you, "I have no idea why anybody like you would put up with someone as broken as me. You deserve so much, baby, and I don't want to make you feel as though I'm using you to make me feel better, or anything like that." "You worry too much, ma'," Keith sighed, pulling you close to him so that your head rested against his chest, "What did I just say? All I do is for you. I'll never leave you; I'll never treat you like these other niggas have. They missed out on such a prize, and I'm so glad that they did, because if they didn't, I wouldn't have the pleasure of showing you how a real man takes care of his wife."

     Your breathe hitched into your throats once the word 'wife' was spoken into existence. He really loved you—just as much as you loved him—and that made you so fuckin' happy. The smile on your face couldn't be triumphed by anything at this moment, and the overwhelming emotion that you felt couldn't be contained any longer. You looked up at Keith with eyes that held desire—eyes that could seal the fate of your and Keith's relationship in the matter of seconds. He looked down at you with the same expression in his eyes that had never faltered since the day he met you—love.

     "Keith? I.. I'm in love with you.. and I never want to stop falling in love with you," you said, Keith's smile widening as much as it has since the two of you had been exclusive. "I fell in love with you the day I laid my eyes on you, and I'm glad you're sure of your feelings for me, (Your Nickname). I'm all yours, and your all mine—always and forever," Keith nodded, holding up his pinky. You looked over at it and giggled a bit, your pinky interlocking with his as you leaned in and pecked his lips softly, "Forever and always."

"but there's something
different with you,
Lord knows.."

first song request complete

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first song request complete. 💗

i know i've been so busy + inactive, but i'm back, + i hope my new content makes you guys happy.

time to update my other books, don't ya' think? 🤞🏾

much love to y'all. 😘

— c. 🦄

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