morning pleasure - kinky imagine marathon: elijah kelly edition

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Your eyes were closed and your chest heaved up and down slowly, indicating that you were still in a deep slumber

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Your eyes were closed and your chest heaved up and down slowly, indicating that you were still in a deep slumber. Elijah observed you as you continued to rest, his head resting on your breasts; you were so gorgeous. Your hair covered some of your face, but your beauty radiated ever single aspect of your physical appearance; Elijah fell in love with your soul, but your exquisite curves and flawless skin was just a bonus for him.

He bit down on his bottom lip softly out of habit, falling into a slight trance as he continued to look at you. How did he become so lucky? There will millions of men that wanted you, but yet, you chose him— not because of his fame, but because of his soul. You were in love with him, flaws and all, and nobody could change that; the only person you found attractive was him. Why would you look anywhere else besides him anyway, and vice versa?

Elijah's arms were wrapped around you, holding you close to him. He let his fingertips graze against the skin your shirt exposed, for it was lifted up slightly because of your movement during the night. "I love you, (Your Name)," he whispered, kissing your chest softly. His kisses continued to lower on your body, causing you to slightly whine in your sleep, moving a bit in his arms. He continued to trail his lips down towards your stomach, letting you out of his grasp so he couldn't slide downward in front of you. He got in between your legs, kissing between your thighs, his lips coming close to your forbidden fruit.

His thumb made contact with your clit through the panties that you wore under your oversized hoodie, rubbing it slowly. A soft moan escaped your lips as your eyebrows furrowed, your eyes still closed and your dreams transferring to one of arousal. Elijah kissed your other set of lips through your panties slightly, his free hand taking your panties into its grasp and pulling them down. He removed his thumb for a slight second, pulling your panties all the way down and tossing them on the ground. A slight gasp came from your lips once Elijah's tongue made its way up your slit, your pussy growing wetter by the second.

Your eyes were still shut, Elijah's actions being mistaken for just a wet dream. "Fuck.." you moaned, licking your lips in your sleep. Elijah flickered his tongue against your pearl at a steady pace, his hands holding your thighs down so you couldn't run away. He continued to put work in with his tongue, it swirling around your, now, sensitive clit, causing you to moan even more. Your eyes finally opened, Elijah not in sight; your eyebrows were still furrowed in confusion, but once you felt the pleasure in between your legs, you understood exactly where the love of your life was.

"Elijah, what are you—" "Shh," he moaned against your clit, causing your hips to buck upward. You put your hand on his head, trying to push him away because of the irresistible pleasure, but he wasn't budging. He slurped on your pussy, eating you out like you were his last meal, your whines and moans echoing off the walls of the bedroom you and Elijah shared. "Eli, sl-slow down," you pleaded, causing Elijah's head to move side to side, indicating that he was against your proposal. Due to his head's movements, you felt his tongue moving side to side on your clit, sending you off the edge.

Your mouth went agape as you felt your high coming on, "I'm gonna cum, daddy, wait." You felt Elijah smirk on your pussy lips, your climax finally hitting its breaking point. Elijah licked your juices up, savoring the taste of you on his tongue; he, then, took two of his fingers and stuck them inside of you slowly. Your legs locked up and your toes curled as you felt him pumping them in and out of you, your bottom lip now in between your teeth.

"Gosh, Elijah, don't stop," you moaned, your back arching once he stuck his fingers deeper inside of you, hitting your G-spot. You screamed as Elijah continued to pound his fingers inside of you, grinding your hips against his fingers. He was pleasuring you by doing so little, and it was amazing to you; this man gave you a climax without sex, and it was crazy how vulnerable you were when it came to him.

Even when you two were in the process of intercourse, you could feel his love for you. Your souls were intertwined with one another, and the feeling was blissful. You were so blessed to have found your soulmate, and you knew nobody could make you feel the way he did; you didn't want anybody to make you feel the way he did. He was your king, and you were his queen, and that's the way you wanted your palace to run.

You were deeply in love, and you didn't want that feeling to leave you. Ever.

By the time your thoughts had registered to your heart, you felt your second climax hit, "Elijah!" "I love you, baby girl," Elijah said, watching your juices flow on his fingers. He slowly took his fingers out of you, crawling up towards your face so you could watch him suck your juices off of his fingers.

You moved his fingers from his mouth, kissing him passionately. You pulled away slowly, looking into his eyes, "I love you too, baby. So much." Elijah smiled even more, pecking your lips repeatedly, causing you to giggle.

Man, were you blessed.

yes, this imagine was shorter than the original one because

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yes, this imagine was shorter than the original one because.. 🙄 yeah.

of course, this wasn't my best at all. i'll probably revise it sooner or later, but this concludes the kinky imagine marathon. 🤗 therefore, i'm back on beyond the lights: the mini series, and the other imagines i need to complete. ❤️

i re-published my book dedicated to Brandon Ingram as well, so if you guys wanna check it out, it's there. 💓 hardships is my second priority right now, though, so don't sleep on that book either.

i love you guys, and try to enjoy this as much as possible. 😭

— c. 😘

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