a different world [2]

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"I-I was just leaving, sir," you stuttered, looking back and forth between the two men who only smirked down at you in response

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"I-I was just leaving, sir," you stuttered, looking back and forth between the two men who only smirked down at you in response. The man in front of you looked at the other man behind you, motioning for him to take you. The man behind you took ahold of your two arms, putting them behind your back and making you move forward towards the other citizens of Malistia. "H-hold on! Wait! I need to get back home; let me go!" you yelled, trying to twist and turn in the man's grip, only to no avail. The more you twisted and turned, the more pain you inflicted on yourself, and that alone made you give up on fighting back.

As you and the two strangers made your way in front of the citizens of Malistia, the man holding your arms behind your back made you stop in your tracks. You looked around slowly and saw everyone now staring at you, smirks growing upon their faces. "Look what we have here for y'all?" the man holding you screamed, pushing you forward, "Princess (Your Name). The highest bidding person gets to keep her as their prisoner, forever."

Once you regained your balance, your eyes widened at the man's offer, frantically looking around for a way to escape. You now knew why your father wasn't fond of you visiting this place, and for once, you wish you would have just followed his orders. Bids were yelled out left and right, and not very high ones at that; offers such as twenty yoros, equivalent to four dollars on Earth, was so far the highest offer. By the look on the men's faces, they weren't satisfied with the bids they were receiving. "Are you all ludicrous? This is the princess of Utopia! Do you know how much you could force her to do?! You fools!" the man beside you screamed.

"Maybe we should just do away with her if they aren't willing to give us the money we want," the other man said to the one standing beside you, causing him to look at the other man and smirk. "What a great idea, my chap." Your eyes couldn't have grown any wider at this point; you were ready to plead and beg on your knees for their mercy, and you weren't quick to do that in any circumstance. "Please, my good sirs, don't do this," you cried, "my father, he'll.. he'll give you something in return for my safety!"

The men looked at each other and then looked back down at you. "Like what?" You had to conjure up a lie, and quickly, "He'll.. he'll grant you access to all the planets in the solar system. I'll make sure of it." The men's eyes filled with greed, and the evil smiles on their faces caused you to cringe. "Prove it," one of the men proclaimed. "How can I do that if I'm bound here?" you frowned. The two men nodded, "Take us with you back to Utopia so we can negotiate this with the king."

You bit the inside of your cheek and nodded softly, walking away from the crowd of Malistia people. In the back of everyone stood Keith and Lavarcus who were on their way back home. Keith had frozen in his footsteps once he heard you being auctioned off; he knew of you— almost too much. He didn't show it, but he was intrigued with you. Keith had access to Earth and all things on the planet due to his close pal, Algee, transporting there years ago. Keith and Algee were best friends on the planet Malistia since they were small children and caused the most havoc. Back then, it wasn't as easy to be a troublemaker on their territory, for their was a ruler of Malistia, and he didn't play any games. King Rolamus and Queen Ferra had a daughter, Princess Yorma, who was the same age as Algee and Keith. The king and queen were very protective of her, almost as protective as King (Your Father's Name) was of you. Keith remembered him and Algee seeing Princess Yorma in the market with her mother, and from first glance, Algee knew he had to have her.

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