as your friend [4]

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"I want to thank you again for taking me out, Keith," you smiled as you walked beside Keith, "I really did have fun

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"I want to thank you again for taking me out, Keith," you smiled as you walked beside Keith, "I really did have fun." Keith couldn't help but smile; with his hands stuffed into his pants pockets, he looked over at you with a curt nod, "Of course, baby girl. It's about time I showed you off."

Your cheeks grew red as you looked away from Keith, taking your bottom lip in between your teeth to keep your squeals concealed. Even though you never spoke on it, you had always wanted Keith to take you out. He was a great best friend, but you couldn't help but think about how things would be if the two of you were more than that. He was everything you wanted in a man— woke as hell, tall, sexy, caring, and to top it off, he was athletic with a deep ass voice that could put you in a trance.

"(Your Nickname)?" Keith asked, causing you to snap out of your thoughts and look back up at him. "What's up?" you asked. Keith took a deep breathe and looked in front of him before exhaling the air he had sucked into his lungs; his actions caused your eyebrows to furrow in confusion. You both reached Keith's vehicle, his body now leaning against the passenger side of it as you just stood in front of him with your arms crossed across your chest. "Keith, what is it?"

Keith looked into your eyes and sat there for a second, not saying a word. You could tell he was searching your eyes for clarification of something, but you just didn't know what it was. "What's today's date again?" Keith asked nonchalantly. You squinted your eyes, "That's really what you wanted to ask me?" "(Your Name), what day is it?" Keith asked once more, getting a bit agitated by your delay of answering his question. You sighed, "It's the twentieth, a Friday."

Keith's eyes went wide a bit as his posture slouched a bit. What is going on with him? "What's wrong with you? You've been acting weird these past couple of days, and I don't like it," you huffed, "You tell me everything, but lately it's like you're hiding something from me." "I'm not hiding anything from you, (Your Name)," Keith sighed, running his fingers through his curls slowly, "I'm just trying to wrap my head around some things." "Around what things, Keith? What has you so damn stressed that you're acting like this?" you pressed. "It's nothing you need to be concerned abo—"

"Bullshit," you spat, "I wanna know what's going on." "Nothing's going on, (Your Name), damn! What don't you get about that?" Keith countered. "I know you better than you know your damn self, and you're really trying to persuade me that nothing's wrong?" you asked with a slight tilt to your head. Keith blew a raspberry in frustration, looking away, then looking back at you, "There's some shit you don't need to know about, (Your Name). If I choose not to let you know specific information, that's my choice. Stop tryna' scold me like I'm your child."

You looked at Keith as though he was crazy, trying to keep your composure, "How is it that we were just having a great time, but now you wanna fuck it up?" "I'm fucking it up? Do you hear yourself right now?" Keith shouted, causing you to coward backwards a bit. He was never the one to yell, and even though you were pissed at his behavior, you couldn't help the waterfall flowing between your legs. "No, I'm not kidding, Tyree."

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