as your friend [2]

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"Keith, why in the world did you tell me to come over so damn early in the morning," you growled, rubbing your eyes as you sat on the couch, letting Keith pace back and forth in front of you

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"Keith, why in the world did you tell me to come over so damn early in the morning," you growled, rubbing your eyes as you sat on the couch, letting Keith pace back and forth in front of you. He had been doing this for the past five minutes now, and it was beginning to worry you; why the hell was he so antsy?

"Would you stop pacing and tell me what the problem is," you sighed, watching Keith finally stop in his tracks, looking over at you. His eyes were full of worry and desperation, and it almost made you want to pull him into a hug and tell him everything that he was worrying about was all going to turn out in his favor. "Keith.." you said softly, watching tears form in his eyes, "Come here. Please." Keith made his way over to you, flopping onto the couch and laying his head on your shoulder. You ran your fingers through his new-growth, chewing on your bottom lip as you thought of something you could say to cheer him up.

"I'm here for you," you whispered soothingly, Keith's eyes closing as he let your voice marinate in his soul, "Forever and always. You can tell me anything, Tyree." "If I told you what was going on with me right now, you wouldn't believe a word I was saying," Keith breathed out, causing you to frown. It made you upset that he doubted you, but then again, he knew how you were— better than you knew yourself sometimes. "If I promise to keep an open mind about it, will you be open to telling me?"

Keith opened his eyes and looked up at you, nodding softly. "Then let me know. I'm listening with an open mind and heart," you informed. Keith sat up and took a deep breath, exhaling it slowly as he kept his eyes down in front of him. He was more nervous than ever; it was already nerve-wracking enough exposing his feelings for you the first time— the second time, especially because you had no memory of the relationship the two of you shared, was even harder. "Keith, cmon," you huffed, getting a bit impatient.

Keith looked up into your eyes and opened his mouth up to speak, "(Your Name), we're—" The sound of Keith's phone going off cut his sentence short, earning a groan from you and a sigh of relief from him. "Let me take this; it'll only be a second," he reassured, causing you to nod. Keith got up from his spot beside you and walked over to the kitchen counter, taking his iPhone from off of it. He walked down the hall towards his downstairs bathroom, walking inside of it and closing and locking the door behind him. He looked down at the caller ID to see 'Unknown'; was it the same person who had caused all of this?

Keith quickly answered the phone, whispering inside of the microphone, "Hello?" "Are you satisfied with your wish," a feminine voice said on the other line. Keith's eyebrows furrowed, anger building up inside of him, "No, the fuck I am not! Who the hell are you, and what have you down to my fuckin' life?!" Keith was whisper yelling at this point, but his tone of voice really didn't have an effect on the female. "Why aren't you happy, Keith? You specifically typed 'yes' when I asked if you were content with what you were asking for," she stated calmly. "I didn't think it was real! Who are you anyway?"

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