brown skin [finale]

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"Keith, cut it out," you giggled, trying to disconnect your neck from Keith's lips

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"Keith, cut it out," you giggled, trying to disconnect your neck from Keith's lips. "You're mine, right?" he mumbled against your skin, "So I can do what I want with what's mine." Your giggles turned into soft whines once Keith had started to kiss the special spot on your neck, causing you to move even more. "Keithhhhh," you whined, finally distancing your neck from his lips. He smacked his lips and chuckled, holding you in his arms and admiring your beauty.

The two of you had been talking almost the entire time he had been over, and that's what you loved most about the relationship you shared with him. It was never just about the sexual desires you both had for one another— it wasn't about the physical attraction period. You both were so in tune to each other's souls, and it was rare for anybody to find someone that they could truly call their soulmate. It was as if God himself placed the two of you together; this was a relationship no man could separate.

"I'm so happy that you came," you breathed out, locking eyes with Keith. All he did was smile, rubbing the small of your back soothingly. Every time he looked at you, he was speechless; your big, brown orbs captivated him even more in person, and he could just get lost in them at any given moment. You raised an eyebrow at him as he continued to stare into your eyes, running your fingers through his, now, curly fro. "Baby?" you asked, trying to get his attention. He finally snapped out of his trance, "What's up?" "Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"Looking at you like what?" he asked in a confused fashion. "You're just.. staring at me. I don't even think you heard what I said to you a couple seconds ago," you giggled, Keith blushing out of embarrassment. "My bad, lil' mama, I was just in deep thought," he admitted. You chewed on your bottom lip in curiosity, cocking your head to the side a bit as you shifted underneath Keith, "In deep thought about what?" "Us and our future together."

"So you're already thinking of the future, huh? Your mind always did run a hundred miles per hour," you smiled, kissing his forehead softly. "When it comes to you, you're right," Keith nodded, the feeling of your lips still lingering on his skin, "You're everything I've ever wanted and more, (Your Name). Sure, I've found girls in California attractive, but I've never connected with someone as much as I connect with you. You're connected to my inner being, and it's crazy that this has all happened through the internet. Usually, online relationships are the cause of people's trust issues and other obstacles, but you've been my guide through everything I've gone through in life. I can come to you about anything, and you're always so willing to help me.. Nobody's ever been so concerned about me like that. You make me feel special."

Your heart fluttered at Keith's words, his voice like music to your ears. "Tyree, you never fail to make me smile," you said, kissing his nose softly. Keith smiled and snuggled into your body even more, absorbing every inch of body heat you had to offer. It was already hot enough outside, but you didn't care; you hadn't held this man the entire time you both had been communicating, and the feeling was absolutely blissful to you. You already knew that this was going to be your husband one day. You loved him, and he loved you, and you never wanted the feeling to go away.

"(Your Name)."


"I think I'm in love with you."

You felt your heart skip a beat. Did he just say what you think he just said? "W-what?" you whispered, Keith making himself comfortable in between your legs, leaning his head against the bulge of your plump breasts. "I said I'm in love with you, (Your Name)."

It was happening. Everything you dreamed of as a child was happening to you at the tender age of twenty-three. You felt your eye sockets holding the tears that were threatening to spill down your face, and your breathing had become uneven. Keith automatically looked up at you, seeing as though he felt the uneasiness of your breathing from the heaving of your chest. He immediately grew a concerned look on his face, "Baby girl, what's wrong? Did I say something wrong? I'm so sorry, I—" You grabbed both of his cheeks and engulfed him into a passionate kiss, letting some of your tears stream down your cheeks in the process. Keith's lips moved in sync with yours until you pulled away seconds later.

The motion of him licking his lips, savoring the flavor of yours made you melt in his arms. Gosh, why did he have to be so perfect? "I'm in love with you too, Keith," you nodded, snuggling. Keith felt a wash of relief rush through his body; he wiped away the tears that had left a trail of wetness on your cheeks, pecking your lips softly. "I'm never letting you go, do you understand? I don't care what we go through.. You're mine, and I'm yours. Forever and always," Keith spoke sternly.

You nodded your head in agreement and wrapped your arms around him, letting him rest his head back onto your chest. "If you didn't know this already, you're my girl, (Your Nickname). You've been my girl, but I never really made it official," Keith whispered, a soft smile appearing on your face. "I know, baby.. I know."

A few moments of silence passed as the two of you took in the peaceful vibes engulfing your bedroom. "I wanna move in with you," you suddenly spoke, almost regretting that you did. Keith looked up at you, not showing any facial expression.

"I'll have a mover here to pack your things first thing tomorrow morning so we can go back home together."


You could get used to that.

i bet y'all thought it was gonna get freaky, huh? well, surprise— it didn't

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i bet y'all thought it was gonna get freaky, huh? well, surprise— it didn't. 😋

i wanted to do something different. i could do a lot better, but i'm at work, and just felt like updating for you guys. 💓

i hope you guys enjoyed the tiny feels i gave off in this part. yes, this is the last part of this imagine. 😋

much love. ❣️

— c. 🌙

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