young and ready - kinky imagine marathon: algee smith edition

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You sucked on a strawberry flavored lollipop as you sat in the back of your Physics class, your legs crossed under the table and your eyes focused on someone else that wasn't the teacher

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You sucked on a strawberry flavored lollipop as you sat in the back of your Physics class, your legs crossed under the table and your eyes focused on someone else that wasn't the teacher. To your right sat Algee Smith, an eighteen year old senior at Clarkson High. You looked him up and down slowly, observing every little detail of him; damn, was he fine.

You were only a sixteen year old junior, but took advanced classes every year because of your perplexed mind. The teachers noticed that your regular courses weren't challenging enough for you, thus giving you the opportunity to spend your entire school year with the seniors of Clarkson. Although there was an age gape between you and your other classmates, you were a very mature girl, mentally and physically. Your curves were accentuated at a young age, which made it hard for people, especially males, to believe you were the age you actually were; plus, your style choice didn't help your case much.

 Your curves were accentuated at a young age, which made it hard for people, especially males, to believe you were the age you actually were; plus, your style choice didn't help your case much

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You watched as Algee's eyes finally met yours after thirty seconds of eye-raping him. You slowly slid the lollipop out of your mouth, watching Algee's eyes widen as his eyes were glued to the scene in front of him. You seductively took a long lick of the lollipop, winking over at him as Algee squirmed in his seat, licking his lips slowly.

"Miss (Your Last Name) and Mr. Smith," your teacher, Mrs. Esther called out, causing you both to look over at her, "I would advise you two to stop making goo-goo eyes at one another and pay attention to the lesson. You have a quiz on it tomorrow." At this point, the whole classes' eyes were upon you and Algee. You put an innocent smile upon your face, "You already know I'll be prepared, Mrs. Esther. I'm in this class for a reason." "S-sorry, ma'am," Algee stuttered, looking down at his desk. Mrs. Esther hummed in response, turning her attention back to the entire class as everybody else went back to listening to the lesson.

You put your lollipop back in your mouth, sucking on it as you glanced back over at Algee who was already looking over at you with an intimidating look on his face. His brown orbs were darker than usual, and he wore an emotionless expression on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows slightly at his expression, reading his lips as he mouthed a phrase towards you:

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