who's your daddy? [2]

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"Keith, hurry the hell up and say whatchu' have to say

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"Keith, hurry the hell up and say whatchu' have to say. I was serious about givin' you a limited amount of time," you groaned, rolling your eyes as you walked out of your Government class, Keith following shortly behind. Monroe and Amour knew you were going to talk to Keith for a couple minutes, and had agreed to meet you in the cafeteria once you were done, for it was now lunchtime. Keith's boys had also agreed to let him make his move and speak to you, Bryshere and Algee especially letting him know that they would be alongside Monroe and Amour.

You made your way to your locker as you heard Keith's deep voice drifting not far behind you, "Why won't you just give me a chance, ma? I'm not that bad of a guy; let me show you what I'm about." "I don't want you to show me anything. The only thing you're about is puttin' ya' dick inside of any pussy that's walkin'," you scoffed, punching your locker to open it as you did before. Keith sighed and leaned against the locker beside yours, watching your every move as you put your Government textbook inside your locker and took some other items of yours outside of it. "That's not true."

You snapped your head towards him and gave him a 'are you seriously going to lie to me right now?' look and slammed your locker shut as you secured your things in your hand. You shifted your weight to your right leg, "Keith, you and your posse have a reputation here. All y'all do is flirt, fuck, and then leave. I'm not that kind of girl, despite what you may think. I'm from the Bronx, and if you even try to fuck wit' me like that, I'll break yo' neck. Pidd."

Keith couldn't help but smirk at your infectious accent. He snaked his arms slowly around your waist, pulling you close to his body as you gave him a stank face. "Why are you touchin' me? You know I hate when people touch me," you stated, punching his chest hard enough to make him stern his eyes at you and furrow his eyebrows. Once your fist connected to his chest, he took your wrist in his hand and gripped onto it tight, causing your bold expression to subside into a slightly intimidated one. He slowly leaned in close to your ear, his voice now husky and at a whisper, "Don't you ever punch me like I'm one of these lame ass niggas that ain't gon' do shit to you. Do you understand that I'll break your little fine ass in half? And not in the way you think?"

You felt your throat tighten at his words, taking in his change in demeanor. The slang he used to put you in place created a waterfall in your panties, and to say he wasn't letting you know who was really in charge here would be a lie. He leaned away from your ear slowly, his eyes boring into yours as you continued to look up at him. You found yourself at a loss for words for the first time in a while, and it amazed you that out of all people, Keith would be the one to make that happen. "You think you're speechless now? Just wait until this dick is in your stomach, luh' girl," Keith smirked, winking softly as he let go of your waist. Your breath hitched and you were paralyzed as you watched him start to walk backwards, creating a greater distance between the two of you.

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