keith's sex slave - kinky imagine marathon

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You tried to yank on the handcuffs that had you tied down to the giant California King bed

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You tried to yank on the handcuffs that had you tied down to the giant California King bed. You moved your head around so your eyes could take in your surroundings— where the hell were you? The walls surrounding you were painted red while a bunch of sex toys were hung up against them. There was different equipment that engulfed the room, and from first glance, you couldn't figure out what they were for. All you knew is that you wanted to go home, and now.

"Hello?" you called out, your voice shaky from the overwhelming fear that was building up inside of you. The lights were slightly dim, only to the point where you could see the bigger things in the room. "Is anybody here?" you called out again, awaiting for any sign of human activity except for your own. You heard the creaking of a door coming from in front of you, causing the muscles in your body to tense up. You didn't dare move an inch.

A dark, tall silhouette could been seen standing in the doorway from the corner of your eye. You were absolutely terrified; you didn't know if you were going to be skinned alive, raped, or any other bizarre action, all you knew was that you needed to get out of that room. The silhouette began to inch its way closer to you, causing a whimper to slip through your lips. A chuckle could be heard, now, by the left side of your bed; your heart was racing and you just wanted to disappear. You closed your eyes tightly in hopes that you would somehow feel a sense of comfort from not seeing the being beside you, but all it did was cause your anxiety to skyrocket.

"Such a pretty girl," you heard the voice whisper, fingers stroking through your long, black hair. The voice was deep and sultry, and it made your breath hitch inside of your throat. "Open your eyes, sweetheart. Daddy isn't here to hurt you," the voice spoke again, trying to sound as soothing as possible. Despite your better judgement, your eyelids became lighter, your blurry vision becoming one of 20/20. Standing over you was a caramel skinned man with freckles that decorated his lower eye area; his haircut was fresh, making him even more attractive than he already was in your eyes. He was wearing a plain, all-black tee with basketball shorts, and if you peered down, you could see his massive print that was peeking through his shorts.

The man witnessed you observe him from your peripheral vision, smirking softly, "You like what you see?" "W-where am I? Why am I here?" you asked in a worried tone. Keith chuckled at your nervousness, sitting on the bed beside you, "Baby girl, you're here because I want you to be." Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach at those words; why did he want you to be here?

"What do you want with me?" you asked shakily. The man slowly leaned over to you, gazing down at your face that portrayed nothing but fear. He lifted his left hand and grazed the back of it onto your soft cheek, leaning in slowly to your ear, "I want to pleasure you."

Your eyes widen slightly as you watched the mysterious man take the back of his shirt into his hands, pulling it over his head in a swift motion. You couldn't help but glance down at his mesmerizing abdominal region. His basketball shorts, as well as his boxers, were sagging, so you could see his perfectly sculpted v-line begging for your attention. You practically gulped once you saw his hands going into his pants, the sliding down of, both, his boxers and basketball shorts going in slow motion for you. Once you saw his dick spring up, you practically choked— he was huge.

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