|01| Nishinoya Yuu |Color|

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When in a close vicinity with your soulmate, the colors you see are very pale and dull, but still there. Also, to clear up confusion, you can have "partial soulmates", where your world only colors slightly. It's not complete, but it's something~ Some people will settle for that something.

"Oi guys, don't you start freaking out now! If we fall, let's fall forward!" - Nishinoya Yuu
You walk up to the school gates, completely unprepared for what you see. You look upon the vast amount of space the school occupies. Karasuno. This is where you would be spending your high school life. Away from your friends, social life, heck, even your family. Your mother had gotten a very prestigious job in America, so your parents and little sister moved there.

"Sure, they asked me to come, but does it look like I was born to speak another language? No. I can barely speak my native one, thank you." You thought to yourself. Anyways, back to the large school. You walk slowly through the gates, looking around aimlessly. You have no clue where to look, never mind where your classes are. You walk past a gym and hear squeaking. Annoying. You keep walking past it, towards what you hope is the office. You walk down the hall, making sure not to bump into anyone, when BAM!

You see stars as you fall to the ground. You hear the scattering of feet of who you guess to be the culprit. Going in the opposite direction. "Hmph, fricken heck." You think. Why don't some people have some dignity. You try to pick yourself up, gasping in surprise as someone helps you up. You look into medium gray eyes that sparkle with happiness. His hair looks like a fluff ball. He looks like the fricken sun!!

"Whoever this boy is, he's instantly my favorite person in this school." You think to yourself. Beside him stands a tall, brooding male. You can tell he constantly holds a scowl on his face, but he probably looks nice with a smile.

"I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to ram into you!" The boy apologies loudly, drawing the attention of others. So he didn't run away, huh. You shush the boy before too much attention is drawn the the three of you.

"Are you new here?" The boy asks curiously. You shake your head yes. The fluffy haired male smiles at you before looking at his companion.

"This is Kageyama Tobio, and I'm Hinata Shouyou! Nice to me you Ms???" Hinata questions, raising his eyebrows at you. You look curiously over to this so called Kageyama as his scowl somehow becomes more menacing. He is a character you do not want to be around, that's for sure.

"I'm (l/n) (f/n). Its nice to meet you Hinata-kun and Kageyama-kun." You reply sweetly. Hinata's smile brightens while Kageyama just grunts.

"You can just call me Hinata!" The boy replies happily, practically jumping with joy. You smile at him and nod, instantly attracted to his joyful attitude. He would make a good friend, you wonder what year he's in.

"By the way, your shirts really nice. I like the color of it." Hinata comments, looking at you with a look of amazement. You say thank you before realizing something. You gasp and whip your head towards the male.

"You found your soulmate?!?!" You almost screech, while Hinata shakes his head up and down energetically. His phone then goes off.

"I seem to be getting a text from him now. He goes to Nekoma and is a setter on the volleyball team." He says with pride in his voice. You stare at him, wondering what setter means. (Yo lol May here if you don't know what setter is you need to get the f out reader-chan 😂😂 alright imma Go now x3)

"Wait, I have question before you leave Hinata. Which way is the office? " you question. Hinata points to his left and sprints away, Kageyama right behind him. You slowly walk the way Hinata pointed, not paying attention now. Everything's blurry, and your heads buzzing. Must be from the fall. You bump into something you think is a wall.

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