|23| Akaashi Keiji |Injury Mark|

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Akaashi time, oh yeah!

This ones meant to be on super short and cute!

Requested by AprillMii


"Akasgihi, my arm hurts!" Bokuto whines to the dark haired setter. Akaashi sighs and pats the broad male on the shoulder, "What do you want me to do about it Bokuto-san?"

"I don't know, just do something!"

"Bokuto-san, listen. I'm no-"

"KEIJI!!" You yell before jumping on the setter. He raises his eyebrows as you wrap your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck. "How was practice?"

"(L/n), please release me."

"But Keiji," You whine loudly, "I'm comfortable like this!"

"Well I'm not." Akaashi says with a blank face. You groan before letting go of the male and landing on the ground with a thud. You join the two boys on their walk home until You and Bokuto have to part ways with Akaashi. The two of you wave to him and make your way to the bus stop.

"Hey, let's prank Keiji." You say as you sit down. Bokuto looks over at you in surprise before a smile breaks out onto his face. He nods his head quickly and shoots you a thumbs up. "Hell yeah, who wouldn't agree to that!"

The two of you continue to talk about your plan until a rather messy looking girl rushes up to the bench and sits down. Bokuto squawks loudly and slides down the bench to talk to her in the middle of your conversation. You look at him in confusion before shaking your head. That was such a Bokuto thing to do that you're not even going to question it. As you sit waiting for the bus you continue to think of ways to prank the ravenette. As the bus pulls up an idea pops into your head, and you do your most evil laugh as you board the vehicle.


"I give up!" You say with a sigh. Bokuto nods sadly as the two of you sulk on the rooftop. No matter how many things you tried you couldn't seem to get Akaashi. The last bell rings and the two of get up to go to the gym. One last thing you can try pops up in your head, but you highly doubt it's gonna work. You tell Bokuto about your final plan and the two of you rush to the gym to lay it out.

Three minutes later a rope is secured across the gym door, just low enough for Akaashi to trip over it. The rest of the volleyball team sits with you. All of them are aware of your plan and took the back entrance. The door slides open and the gorgeous face of Akaashi Keiji appears behind it. He steps into the gym and his foot gets hooked on the rope. His eyes go wide and he tries to grab something, though he's already to late as he starts to fall.

"Huh?!" You yell, and he hits the ground. He groans in pain, but he's not the one everyone's paying attention to. Everyone's eyes are on you as tears dot the corners of your eyes and you hold your face in pain.

"What the hell?" You mutter under your breath. Akaashi looks up at you just as blood drips out of both of your noses. Bokuto squawks loudly and points between the two of you. "Why is (F/n) bleeding! Akghasi got hurt!"

"It's because she's his soulmate dumbass." Konoha says with a roll of his eyes. Bokuto squawks again while the two of you stare at each other.

"Uhhhh..." You say while staring at him, "I guess you could say I've um... fallen for you?"

Everyone goes silent as they all stare at you. Konoha narrows his eyes while Komi tries not to laugh, "(F/n)-san, Akaashi's the one that fell."

Your face flushes and you shoot a glare at him. He shrugs before turning his attention away from you and to the cackling Komi. Akaashi stands up with a sigh and goes over to you. He grabs your hand and pulls you up before dragging you out of the gym.

"Where are we going Keiji?"

"To the infirmary."

"Ah, thanks."

"Also, (F/n)-san?"


He looks back and gives you a small smile, "I can definitely say I've fallen for you."



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