|21| Sawamura Daichi |Symbols|

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The twist is~! When you touch your soulmate or they touch you your tattoos change to your soulmates name! Obviously the tattoo is of something they love, so you'll have what Daichi loves! It'll be something they love the most during their lives, so it may be something they haven't even encountered yet.

This takes place at the beginning of the school year. So everyone just became third years and Karasuno still sucks (boohoo.) The beginning starts when you are a kid though.

Also, sorry to the requestee if this isn't what they wanted! It's Halloween time now so I thought I would incorporate that! This is also not gender specific!

(f/f) is favorite food.

Request made by @SeraphicSerialKiller


"Could I help you build that?" A boy asks while staring at your sandcastle. You smile at him and nod your head. "Hand me the shovel!"

"Okay!" You say while passing it over. As the two of you sit building the castle a feeling akin to a bee sting starts spreading in your side. Noticing your distress your mom calls you to her to take you home. You wave to the boy and skip over to your mom. She looks at you in confusion as you continue rubbing your side. "What's wrong dear?"

"My side won't stop stinging!"

"Let me see it honey." She says and tugs your shirt up slightly. A frown settles on her face as she looks at it. "Mom, what happened to the crow?"

"Nothing dear, lets go home."


"Pumpkin time!" You cry out as Oikawa parks the car outside of the large pumpkin patch. Large groups of people roam around the field in hopes of finding the perfect pumpkins for their families and friends. A few workers are scattered here and there to make sure no one does any damage to the pumpkins they aren't taking. The two of you unload from the car and walk up to the gate. The worker manning the front looks at you from under his baseball cap.

"Hello! There is only two rules you have to know before going in! First, only one pumpkin per person! Second, please don't damage any pumpkins that you aren't taking!" His deep voice says with forced enthusiasm. Oikawa frowns and mutters something to himself while the two of you enter the field. He yelps as your elbow presses into his side.

"Hey! What was that for (F/n)!" He cries out while rubbing his now bruised skin. Your face is slightly flushed and you point your thumb back at the guy. "He's super hot, like, did you see those thighs?"

"My god (F/n), we are not doing this today! We are bonding, no guy talk!"

"His voice too! Lord, I've never heard anything so amazing!"

"He does have a nice voice, but that's besides the point. He's really familiar. I could have sworn I've seen him somewhere before..."

"Really?! You've gotta hook me up!"

"We have a thing called soulmates (F/n)."

"Really, like that stopped you from sucking Ushiwaka's d-"

"And stop! Conversation over!" You cackle loudly as the brunette storms away from you. You follow him to an almost empty part of the field with a comical smirk on your face. Suddenly a rather large pumpkin is in his arms and an even bigger smile on his face.

"Look at this thing! It's huge!" You shake your head and say something to the brunette, but your eyes are certainly not on the pumpkin anymore. You watch as the attractive young man that greeted you two wanders around different groups of people, probably asking them how their experience is. Your eyes go from his face to his toned midsection, then to his thighs. You stare dreamily until you hear a sharp cough from behind you. With a wince you turn around with an apology already ready, but Oikawa isn't even looking at you. His eyes are glue to his phone as he taps away.

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