|24| Sugawara Koushi |Emotions|

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The one with the strongest emotion/problem is what both typically feel.

Also, Oikawa loves to show up in my stories lol. He's just such a fun character to have in stories and he's the best friend ever.

Request by All_In_Due_Time


Koushi rushes through the halls of the hospital, patient loaded on a gurney covered in blood and barely breathing. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair sticks to her face and large gashes cover many parts of her body. She had been ripped from her car during a crash, slamming into a tree at a speed which human bodies can't endure. So he rushes her along almost desperately, a feeling of strong dread flooding his system as he looks down at the battered body of the female.

She coughs weakly and opens her eyes, though they're dull and she most likely can't see anything at this point. Koushi leans down and looks into her face. "It's going to be okay sweetie, we're almost there." He says in a low voice. Her eyes lock on him before she groans in pain and shuts them again. She mutters something under her breath and he leans closer to hear her.

"S... Suga-wara..." His eyes widen in confusion, but it seems she's already unconscious from the pain. Koushi speeds up until they turn the corner to the emergency surgery rooms. They fly through the large doors and doctors surround her. They give him directions and he quickly gathers the supplies for them. After sterilizing himself he begins assisting the doctors with everything they may need help with.

They finally stabilize her and everyone breathes a sigh of relief. They're not quite sure what complications she may have when she wakes up, or if she'll even wake up, but at least she's alive. As the mass of doctors and nurses leave Koushi feels his mood take a sudden turn. After all of the anxiety of trying to keep the girl alive he suddenly feels... numb? He checks her papers and sees she'll be in a coma, though they're not sure when she'll wake up. He should be surprised, but instead he just feels numb. He looks at a mirror and studies himself, but he looks the same. The only thing he notices is how lifeless his eyes look. Almost like the how the girls had looked at him before she shut her's for possibly the last time.

He attempts a smile but it's missing it's usual warmth. At this point he realizes he should feel concerned, but he still can't feel much of anything. While walking through the hospital halls his usual empathy for the dying has disappeared, the urge to hand out candies for the small sick children gone. Everything is a little more dull than usual, seeming as if the color had been drained from everything around him.

As the days pass on he lacks any emotion besides the occasional feeling of slight desperation. He sits in his room with the door locked, ignoring the phone calls from his close friends and family. The only thing worse than this would have to be death. He feels as if he's in a everlasting, dreamless sleep.

He continues to monitor the condition of the girl, making sure her vitals stay stable. He's come to the conclusion that she's most likely his soulmate, but he can't be certain. When your heart rate becomes unstable he always feels that strong feeling of desperation; he's almost positive it's not coming from him.

This continues on for weeks, the lack of feeling anything slowly driving him insane. He starts to wonder how it felt to be happy, even sadness would be okay. His birthday passes, though all he can do is smile in hopes that no one notices it's so obviously fake. Holidays go by and he watches as your body becomes thinner from the lack of movement and real food. He prays that you'll wake up, everyday before he comes to the hospital and before he leaves. He tries his hardest to become happy in hopes that you'll feel it, but nothing's stronger than the suffocating numbness of the coma you're both suffering from.

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