|17| Sugawara Koushi |Color|

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If I had to title this something, I think it would be called Broken. This just popped up in my mind, so sorry it's not one of the votes or requests!

You see color when you look at your soulmate, you don't have to make eye contact.

This is placed farther in the future, where medicine and surgery have improved greatly. This plays a key part in the story. Also, before any of y'all read, remember there are books in Braille.


The tips of your fingers skim across the smooth surface of a round object set in front of you. You blink your eyes once, twice, and a final time. The irritatingly loud sound of beeping echoes through your head as you begin to breathe heavily. The beeping speeds up as the sound of commotion echoes around you.

"(L/n) (F/n)-san, calm down please." Your head whips towards the direction of the sound and your hand shoots out. It clutches against rough material and tears pour out of your unseeing eyes.

"Why is everything dark?! Why can't I see-?"

"(L/n)-san, take a deep breath. What do you remember?" The gentle voice of a man asks you. Your hand bunches up in the material as you gasp for air.

"-et me through! That's my daughter! Let me in at once!" A loud voice booms. A crash takes your attention away from the man next to you. Your eyes widen and your head starts to pound as the loud man continues to yell. A scream rips from your throat as you curl into a ball and cry loudly.

"Subdue him! (L/n)-san what's wrong?"

"Get that man out of here! Please keep him away from me!" You sob loudly. A hand rubs your back as you cry loudly. "Why do you want your father to stay away from you?"

"That man," You say coldly, "Is not my father."

— Flashback —

"Mom!" You scream as your dad strikes her across the head with a large pan. He freezes at the sound of your voice as you rush up to your unconscious mother. Sobs rip from your throat as you shake her repeatedly in an attempt to wake her up. A large hand grabs you by the waist and yanks you away from her. You scream and claw at your father as he throws you to the ground.

"You know I love you right?" He says as he opens the cabinet under your kitchen sink. Your body shakes and you whimper. "The world isn't something you should have to see, it's far too disgusting for you to look upon..."

A blood curdling scream echoes through the house as he pours chemicals into your eyes. You punch and kick but his large body holds you in place. His hands wrap around your neck and he pushes down gently. "Now, go to sleep..."

— A Few Years Later —

(F/n), you're here for your appointment?" The high pitched voice of the front desk lady greets you as you enter. You smile gently and nod in her general direction. She rises from her spot and makes small conversation while she leads you to the doctors office.

"(F/n)! Good to see you!" The happy voice of your doctor greets. A bright smile lights up your face and you wave to him happily. "I've got a surprise! You know how my assistant recently quit? Well... I finally hired a new one! Meet Sugawara Koushi!"

"Hello Sugawara-san! I'm (L/n) (F/n), nice to meet you!" You greet happily. You hear a low gasp and the feeling of hands on your shoulders.

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