|29| Ennoshita Chikara |Writing|

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Haha it was Christmas and Ennoshita's birthday recently sounds like a good time to let out a chapter— Yes it's Christmas themed because I started writing it on Christmas.
So you aren't able to see what your soulmate writes on themselves all your life, it happens at a random moment for anyone. You could be 15 or 51. It just happens and it's all up to the person to realize.
I'd assume they practice over break since it's usually long, A certain power-house school (You should know which one I'm talking about.) probably even practices on Christmas for a few hours.
You balance a clipboard on your knees, watching as the boys in front of you do serve after serve. You try to keep track of them so you could give them proper critique, but with a few hours of sleep under your belt and an empty stomach you can only stay focused for so long. After almost dropping the clipboard for the fifth time the coach gives you a death glare and points to the doors. You shuffle out with a sigh, looking back at the team one more time before closing the doors behind you.

"Where did I put that pen..." You mutter, slumping against the wall of the gym. You finally pull the writing tool out of your bag and begin drawing little characters on your arm to pass the time. You'd wait for the boys to finish, you walk to the bus stop with a few of them so there's no point in leaving.


"Oh shit—" You drop your pen when you see letters that you definitely weren't writing start to appear on your arm. You scramble to grab your pen and hastily scribble back a reply.


You stare at your arm, waiting for an answer. You stare, and stare, and stare.

Um, hello?

After a few minutes—
Sorry, I'm at            Practice.
It's not letting me write it out.
The word keeps disappearing whenever I write it.
Oh? Try writing your name?
It's not working.
Then how about we use nicknames?
That's a good idea actually. You can call me... Enno?
You can call me (N/n)!
Alright, nice to meet you (N/n).
Nice to meet you Enno, I'll be in your care!


Good Morning Enno, I hope you're day is amazing! Make sure to do something good, no matter how small the deed!

Chikara smiles down at the black writing on his arm. The small scribbles never failed to make him happy, even on his worst days. He gets out of bed in a hurry, having spent to long studying the looped letters, and rushes into his bathroom. Everyday he's late getting up, every night he tells himself he won't spend ten years in the morning looking at random words from a person he doesn't even know. A lie he tells himself to ignore the fact that he knows you better than he would like to think, that he feels more for you than he thinks he should. His soulmate you may be, but nevertheless a person he's never met and won't put his hopes into for it to all crash around him. He's dealt with many things going through life, he won't add heartbreak to the list.

"Chikara! Hurry up and come get you're food, you're going to be late again!" He frowns and looks at the clock on his desk. His eyes widen when they land on the time, making him fly around his room even faster. He would be late again, quite possibly punished this time. "Coming mom! Can you make sure my shoes are unlaced?!"

An odd beeping sound makes him look at his phone, though he wished he hadn't.

27 missed calls from Tanaka
3 missed calls from Captain
15 missed calls from Nishinoya

Tanaka: Dude, did you forget we had morning practice????? Or are you dEAD WAIT PLEASE DON'T DIE WE NEED A CAPTAIN NEXT YEAER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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