|18| Oikawa Tooru |Talents|

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Ehehehe, sorry I keep posting stuff other than requests and voting results...

I got inspired ok?!?!

This story will follow Tooru around! College life, been there about two years! I've also decided on a few characters that are doing theatre as well, such as Tendo because he said he's quitting volleyball and he's hella expressive! The list of boys that switched from volleyball to theatre are below! I'll explain the reasons after the chapter!

Oikawa, Tendo, Sugawara, Terushima, and finally Akaashi and Tsukishima (Special Cases).



"What Shittykawa..." The rumbling voice of Iwaizumi crackles through the phone. The unmistakeable traces of irritation elude the chocolate haired man as he yells into the device.

"I'm the Vice President of the theatre club! I'm so happy I could cry!" Oikawa yells happily. Iwaizumi sighs loudly on the other line while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Are you sure you're done with Volleyball?"

"I'll always love volleyball, forever and always, but this is what I was meant to do! I love acting more than anything!" Oikawa whines loudly. Iwaizumi runs his hand through his coarse hair with a sigh.

"Technically acting is what your soulmate is good at..." Iwaizumi says quietly.

"What was that Iwa-chan?" Oikawa questions happily. Iwaizumi clears his throat and tells the boy it's nothing. The two continue their conversation until Iwaizumi gets called back to his club activities.

"Bye bye Iwa-chan! Enjoy volleyball practice!"

"Uh-huh..." Iwaizumi says with a grumble before hanging up the phone. The wavy haired male chuckles lightly before getting his things together for theatre practice. With a quick mirror check he's on his way to club activities.

He throws open the door with flourish and greets everyone in the room. "Hello theatre nerds, your king is here!"

"Close the door Oikawa-san." Akaashi says loudly enough for the brunette to hear. Oikawa looks over at the ravenette in surprise.

"Is there no volleyball practice again?" Oikawa questions the ravenette. Akashi shrugs his shoulders before returning his attention back to his script.

"Where's the president?"

"She and the rest of the older members all went to some theatre competition gathering. It's only us here today." Sugawara says with a wave of his hand. Tsukishima sits in the corner next to Akaashi; occasionally exchanging brief words with the dark haired male. Tendo and Terushima read lines off animatedly to one another while Sugawara watches. Oikawa grabs his script and plops down next to the tall blonde. He sneers at the past setter before going back to his script.

"Tsukki! Why are you so mean to me!" Oikawa whines loudly. A low hiss is emitted from Tsukishima as he slides farther away from the male. "Don't call me that."

"Also! When are you contacts coming in? You need them for this play you know!" Oikawa says dramatically while wiggling a finger at the beanstalk. Tsukishima rolls his eyes and continues practicing his lines. A rare yet comfortable silence settles over the theatre room as the few members study their scripts. A loud thumping starts and continues to get louder, along with the sound of voices.

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