|30| Ushijima Wakatoshi |Dreams|

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Okay so when you go to sleep and when you wake up it's like two separate worlds. Nothing translates between the two besides your first names and a very distorted image of how they look. Like when you wake up from a dream and can't remember most of it. When you meet in person and realize who it is then all of your memories come back. You can remember everything from any dream you've had, but when you go to sleep it's still like a separate world where nothing from outside gets in.

A lot of the characters are going to refer to each other with first names because they've been together for a while in this au.

You sit up from the ground with a yawn, tears blurring your vision momentarily. A large figure suddenly appears in front of you.

"(F/n)." The deep voice rumbles. A large smile appears on your face and you take his outstretched hand. His long arms go around your waist and he kisses the top of your head.

"How long have you been waiting for me Toshi?" He looks down in thought, "Not long."

"At least it wasn't an hour like last time..." You mutter while looking down at the ground. He tips your head back up and brushes his thumb over your cheek, "I'll wait as long as I have to."

"Toshi..." You mutter, looking up into his dark green eyes. Your vision starts to get hazy and you curse, "Someone's either waking me up or I've gotta use the bathroom."

"Is it usually the bathroom?" You chuckle at the taller male, "I don't know, can't remember." His low laugh is music to your ears, his rare smile making an even bigger one appear on your face. He leans forward, you doing the same, until—

"(F/n), wake the hell up!" A voice shouts in your ear. You sit up with a jolt and whip your head around. Wakatoshi's face swims in your vision until, like all of your other dreams, he's like a blur. Your eyes focus on the agitated male in front of you.

"What do you want Yakkun, it's—" Your eyes swivel to the clock behind him, "Three a.m. dude! What the hell!"

"Listen here, I wouldn't have woken you up if I didn't have to! You have a job that you need to go do now! Boss said if you don't do it he's demoting you all the way down to the newbie ranks." You groan at the short male, rolling off of your bed and shuffling into the bathroom. "I'll be out in an hour, tell the boss to demote me if he wants. I need a hot shower."

"That's why I woke you up with time to spare, you don't have to report until five." He says with a smirk. Your eyes widen and you storm out of the bathroom but the little shits already out of your room, slamming the door behind him. To tired to chase him around you slink back to the bathroom to start getting ready.


"How many people are you bringing with you?" The bouncing male beside you asks. You spare the owlish guy a glance, "I don't know, five maybe? I don't know who I'm bringing before you ask." You cut him off in the middle of his question. His silver eyebrows furrow.

"Are y—"

"You already know I'm bringing you Kou, I bring you every time." A big smile appears on his face and he slaps your back, "Of course, I don't even know why I was gonna ask!"

You push open the large doors in front of you, watching as everyone gets settled at different tables according to their different skills. An odd hush falls over the crowd as you and Kotaro walk through the rows of tables, every eye in the room on the two of you. You stand at the front of the room, the broad male next to you, and clear your throat.

"Alright everyone, I'm sure you've all been told why you needed to gather here! If you know for a fact you aren't prepared to come with me today then you are free to leave immediately! Otherwise stay where you are while I decide who I'm bringing!" Your eyes fall to the field agents but move away quickly, you already have enough of one standing next to you. You look towards the more technically advanced ones, spotting the two best choices almost instantly. Next are the tacticians, the ones who usually plan out the whole operation. After searching you decide you've picked your people.

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