|11| Tsukishima Kei |Name|

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This will start with you guys being little kids! Around 7?

Knowing each other for a long time just makes it that much harder to confess, no matter if your soulmates or not.

"Hi. I'm the normal guy. Nice to meet you." Tsukishima Kei


You giggle happily as you dig around in the sandbox. Though your attempt at building a sandcastle has failed you stay optimistic and do whatever. However, you stop playing when you hear the sound of shifting sand behind you. You turn around and see a curly haired blonde boy piling sand up. He looks up at you and the two of you stare at each other. You hesitantly hold up a hand and wave, and he returns the action with a bright smile. He walks over to you quickly and plops down next to you.

"Hi! I'm Tsukishima Kei, but you can call me Kei! Nice to meet you!" He says happily while sticking his hand out for you to shake.

"I'm (L/n) (F/n), (F/n) is fine! Nice to meet you as well!" You say with a smile and handshake.

"Uwah! Your names on my wrist! Look!" He yells as he pulls up his sleeve and points to his wrist.

"Woah! Hey look, your names on mine as well!" You yell in excitement. Kei grabs your wrist and tugs to you to where your mother and another woman are sitting.

"Mom, look! We have each other's names on our wrists! Isn't that so cool!" Kei yells excitedly. You nod happily at your mom who's looking at the two of you in surprise. The two women look at each other and begin to whisper.

"Already? Isn't this to early?" Your mom says quietly.

"I'm not sure, I've never seen this happen before." Kei's mom says back. The two of them smile at you both after talking.

"That's amazing sweetie! Now, let's go home. Your brother is waiting!"







"I said no (F/n)."

"Why not?!" You whine as you roll around on the blondes bed. He sighs in irritation and gets up from his desk to get closer to you. You look up at him with puppy dog eyes, though it doesn't seem to work on him. He stares at you for a few seconds before reaching down and plucking your forehead. Of course, it wasn't that hard, but you still have to be dramatic.

"Keeeeeeei that hurt! As payment let me come to your volleyball game tonight!" You whine loudly. He sighs again and flops down on the bed next to you. You roll over and throw yourself over his torso.

"You're still not coming." He says as he ruffles your hair. You grunt at the blonde and roll off of him. You shriek in panic as you roll to far and feel yourself begin to tilt off of the bed, though you feel two arms wind around your waist and stop you. Kei hoists you back onto the bed next and him and growls lowly.

"Just stop moving around for a bit." He says lazily as he pulls you closer to him and curls around you. You look away from the male as you face flushes a slight red from his cuddling. Though you are used to this sort of behavior it never fails to make you jittery. You breath quietly and calm yourself down before slipping into sleep.


When you wake up Keis not there. You frown and look on his desk. A small piece of paper lies there and you pick it up.

I went to go practice for my game. I'll be back after it's over.


You look around for your phone and find it under your pillow. After squinting against the bright light you see it's almost 7, making you shoot up and gather your things. You would go to this game, whether he wants you to or not. He never lets you come to his games, but you are about to change that. You check yourself in the mirror and grab a hat before shouting to his mom that you were leaving. She yells back something, though you're already out the door when she responds. You walk to the school quickly and bust through the side doors to the gym. The game has just begun and you find a seat close to the front. You tug Keis baseball hat closer to your face and watch the game in anticipation.

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