|15| Iwaizumi Hajime |Glow|

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Alright, please read, I came up with this soulmate au. (Unless I didn't, and if you've seen something like this somewhere else just tell me. I thought of this off of the top of my head, so if there's something like it I wouldn't know.)

The normal, not modified version is that you glow when you are around your soulmate. The intensity of the light depends upon if you are looking at them. So, if you are staring at your soulmate then you're glowing brighter but their glow is still dim if they're not looking at you. You don't know you're glowing, only other people can tell you. So like, if you look at your hand you wouldn't see it glowing but anyone around you would. It's a very subtle glow, nothing to bright, quite like a firefly or a warm light. I hope you enjoy it!

The twist on this chapter is that you can see yourself glow. You're like, an anomaly. It is very rare to see the glow coming from oneself.

Also, I've been trying to make the friend gender neutral in my newest chapters, but in this one it's kinda hard. I run into problems where like, they think Oikawa is hot, but what if your guy friend isn't gay? That's kinda awkward. So! Please use a female friend for this chapter!

"Someone who can't see the opponent standing right in front of him, can't defeat the opponent that lies beyond!" Iwaizumi Hajime




You shudder as you walk past the large group of hormone controlled females. (Bf/n) chuckles quietly and you roll your eyes.

"He doesn't even need to find his soulmate, he glows enough on his own!" You scoff. A loud smack and the sound of shrieking girls resonates from behind the two of you. You look back in confusion only to see Iwaizumi Hajime yelling at the taller brunette. A quiet yelp escapes you and you grab (Bf/n) and run into the nearest hallway. You slump against the wall and (Bf/n) smacks the top of your head.

"What the hell was that for?!" You hiss out in pain. She glares at you while shaking her head.

"Why are you still running from him?" You avert your eyes and begin to fidget nervously. "What ever do you mean?" A nervous laugh is forced out and (Bf/n)'s eyebrow twitch in irritation.

"You know exactly what I mean (F/n)! You've known that he's your soulmate since first year!"

"Dude, we're finally in high school!" You chant happily. (Bf/n) laughs happily while you dance circles around her. Suddenly (Bf/n) stops laughing, which in turn makes you stop dancing.

"Woah, hot guy alert." She says quietly. Your eyes find the person she's looking at, and hot damn is he attractive. His fingers fly across the screen of his phone at an inhuman speed until he suddenly stops. Chocolate brown eyes look up and land upon the two of you. (Bf/n)'s face flushes a bright red while you clear your throat and look away. A small smile slides onto the males face and he begins to saunter over to you.

"Hey girls! My names-"

"Trashikawa! What the hell are you doing?!" A voice roars from behind the chocolate haired man. The three of you shriek and you duck behind (Bf/n). A dim golden light envelops you and you blink in confusion. You look up to see a aggressive looking spiky haired male stomping towards the so called "Trashikawa". A light glow surrounds the scary guy and (Bf/n) gasps as she stares at him. She looks back at you and points at the spiky haired male as he yells at the other guy.

Iwaizumi takes a deep breath to try to calm himself, but Oikawa cuts him off.

"Iwa-chan, you're glo-! Huh?" Oikawa says in confusion. He tilts his head as his eyes survey the no longer golden Iwaizumi.

"Huh? What is it Oikawa?" Iwaizumi says with a growl. Oikawa raises his eyebrows in confusion before shaking his head.

"It's nothing, I was mistaken about something." He says with a wave of his hand. Iwaizumi grunts before turning towards the two girls that... aren't there?

"Where the hell are we going (F/n)! Your soulmates back there!" (Bf/n) shrieks as she slaps your back repeatedly. You continue to tug her along as you dip into the halls of Aoba Johsai.

"Scary." You say with a shiver, " That guy was way to scary." (Bf/n) frowns.


"I said that guy was scary!"

"I just... You know why (Bf/n)!" You whine. She sighs loudly before grabbing your wrist and pulling you up. Her hand stays clamped onto your wrist as she pulls you behind her.

"(Bf/n)? Where are we going?" She doesn't answer as she continues to drag you. You comply until you begin to realize where you're going. Your eyes widen and you plant your feet firmly on the ground.

"No, we are not going to the gym."

"Yes we are! It's time you told Iwaizumi-san!"

"Let go of m-!"

"Told me what?" A deep voice interrupts. Your eyes widen and you wrench your wrist out of (Bf/n)'s hold. She yells as you run past a confused Iwaizumi and down the hall. (Bf/n) stomps her foot angrily and uses multiple explicit words to vent her anger.

"Excuse me...? What was that all about?" Iwaizumi asks in confusion. (Bf/n) looks up at the brunette with a scowl.

"You! Did you not see the glowing chick in front of you! That's your soulmate!" She says quickly. The brunettes eyes widen and he points in the direction you ran. She nods her head several times, "Now go after her!" She yells loudly.

You drag your feet as you walk down the school halls. It's tempting to leave school, but you're not sure if you even want to go home. A pang if longing beats in your chest and you attempt to ignore it. The thump of footsteps echoes behind you, but you ignore it in favor of watching your feet slide on the ground. Something wraps around your arm and you're jerked back into a muscular chest. A gasp escapes your lips as you look up at your attacker.

Iwaizumi looks down at you with a frown on his face. Your body begins to shake as he holds you in place, which confuses him beyond belief.

"Why are you shaking?" He asks you gently. Your eyes widen and red flushes your face.

"..." You mumble quietly. His eyebrows furrow and he leans closer to you. "What?"

"Because you're scary!" You yelp loudly. His eyes widen and a dumbfounded expression settles on his face.

"I'm... scary?"

"Very much so!"

"Why are you scared of me?"

"Because you're always yelling at that Oikawa guy!"

"Assikawa? It's because he deserves to be yelled at. Why the hell would I yell at you?" Iwaizumi asks in confusion. You look up at the boy in surprise when he pats the top of your head lightly. "So, how long were you planning on avoiding me?"



"Hey, I didn't know you could be nice!"

"Well, I can show you how nice I can be if you'll let me take you to lunch." He says quietly. You face becomes even more red and your eyes shoot up to the brunettes face. He's looking away from you and a light blush dusts his cheeks.

"S-Sure, I'd love to."


"By the way, I never got your name." Iwaizumi says hesitantly. You look at him in surprise before chuckling.

"Ah, really?"

"Yeah..." He says with a light blush.

"(L/n) (F/n), please take care of me!" You say enthusiastically.


I know I've got some requests lined up but I wanted to write this~!

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