|04| Sugawara Koushi |Truth|

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Strong language used, you have been warned~

Instead of just truth, you will say what first comes to mind instead of the first words you wish to say to the person.

You have an older brother in this fic, he is in 3rd year, you are in 2nd. His name is (L/n) Katchi. Your 1st cousin is the adorable Yamaguchi Tadashi. You currently go to Aoba Johsai.

Slowly, I feel like I'm being strangled. Yet, strangely, I feel calm because panic hasn't affected my concentration just yet. That's because our goal is so clear in front of us. - Sugawara Koushi

The obnoxious ringing of your alarm causes you to jolt awake, almost falling out of your bed. You slam your hand on the alarm, muttering a string of curses as you get up. Soft sunlight filters through the ruffles in your curtains, relecting off of your large mirror. You crawl towards your window to open the curtains, only to be blinded by doing so. You shriek and slip on an article of clothing on your floor, and land on your ass as a result.

"(F/n) WHAT THE HELL?!" You mom screaches. While scrambling to get into an upright position, you manage to fall again, this time on your face. Your mother kicks your door open, and proceeds to yell at you loud enough for the whole block to hear.

"AND MAKE SURE TO GET DRESSED IN YOUR UNIFORM, YOUR GOING TO BE LATE!" She finally finishes before exiting your room. You sigh obnoxiously before getting your sorry ass up and pulling your uniform out of the closet. Throwing that on, you take a look at your mirror and almost scream. (H/l) (H/c) strands of hair stick up in every direction, causing something similar looking to a birds nest. You grumble as you pull a brush through your hair, wincing at the sounds resembling that of cracking branches, which happen to be your hair dying. You run whatever products you usually use through your hair and grab your bag before heading to your bathroom. There you proceed to brush your teeth, and apply your other feminine products. With a few sprays of perfume, your ready to go.

You stealthily walk down your hall, trying your heardest to avoid him. You wince as you step onto a particular board that happens to creak, making a mental note to not make the same mistake. A mistake that caused the rest of your patience to go down the drain.

"(F/nnnnnn), good morning~" Katchi sings happily, ignoring the scowl on your face. You sighed before turning to face him.

"G'mornin Katchi." You muttered irritatedly. His bright smile turns into a frown as he studies you.

"Nii-san." Katchi says quietly. You look at him and tilt your head to the side.

"What?" You asked irritatedly.

"Nii. San. Call. Me. Nii-san." He says loudly, causing you to grunt in irritation.

"What the hell does it matter anyway. I'm going to go eat breakfast Katchi." You said sarcastically, walking down the hallway your rooms shared as you hear Katchi yell in despair. "So bothersome...." You think to yourself.

"WHAT THE HELL KATCHI, GET A LIFE AND STOP WITH YOUR SISTER COMPLEX!!" Your mom yells down the hallway, earning a chuckle from you.

"BUT MOM!" Katchi retortes back, earning a harsh glare from your mother. You stand up, deciding to carry your breakfast with you.

"Come on Kachi, let's go." You mutter, pulling your shoes on. You nod at your mother and she smiles at you before washing the dishes. You and Kachi exit the house and start making your way to Aoba Johsai. You live closer to Karasuno, but you wanted to be a manager of the boys volleyball team at Seijou, and your brother wanted to stay with his childhood friends, Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime, who you were close with as well.

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