|16| Akaashi Keiji |First Words II|

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Alright, so here is the next part! I'm going to give your kids names to make life a million times easier.

Atlas is the one with heterochromia, Kaede is the one without.

You are also American, or at least from America. It will be explained.


"Bokuto-san, please sit down."

"But Akghashi! I can't keep still! My boys are finally in high-school!"

"Your boys Kou?" A frown settles on the owl look alike's face and he gives you a small pout. Your two sons stand in front of the three of you. They smile brightly and Atlas flashes you a piece sign. The two boys begin to walk to school and you shut the door behind them.

"They grew up fast..." You say with a sigh. Keiji pats your head lightly before going to make some tea.

"We were just in high-school!" Kou yells in misery. You chuckle quietly before sitting down on the couch across from him.

"You know," Keiji says as he enters with the tea, "I've known you guys for years but I haven't heard how you guys met."

"Oh! Wel-"

"Waaaait! I wanna tell the story!" Kou whines loudly. You and Keiji sigh at the same time while Kou claps his hands together.

"Alright! So, you know how (F/n)'s from America right?" Keiji shudders at the mention of America. You hold back a chuckle and pat his back. The poor soul has some bad memories of America, or if you're being more specific, your family that's in America.

"Well! When (F/n)'s mom was working over here for a year she met my mom! We were both really small so we don't remember much, but they said that (F/n) would come to Japan throughout the year to visit and we would always hang out. After the year contract was up her family decided to move out here, and then bam! Life long friendship!" Kou yells as he leans across the table to pat your back roughly.

"As you know Keiji, they moved back after I moved out." You add. He tilts his head and thinks for a second.

"How come she didn't go to our school from the beginning?"

"Well, they lived closer to Nekoma so (F/n) went there, but we always hung out! Then my mom said she could come stay with us for the last year so that we could go to the same high school!" Kou cheers loudly.

"Wait. So you're telling me (F/n) was living with you?"

"Hell no, I just took a bus and walked the rest of the way. I would never, ever in my life live with this monster of a man." You say with a shudder. Kou fakes an offended gasp and looks away from you. The doorbell rings loudly and Kotaro shoots from his spot on the couch.

"I'll get it!" He announces loudly. He rushes away and the loud sound of clicking echoes through the hall.


"Oh no. Please god no." You mumble under your breath. Keiji looks at you in confusion as you run your hand through your hair.

"What is it?"

"It's Tets-!"

"It's not nice to talk about people while they're not here (F/n)-chan~!" Tetsuro says quietly into your ear. A small shriek escapes you as you leap into Keiji's arms.

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