|09| Haiba Lev |Dreams|

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You're a 3rd year, Lev is a 1st year.
Italics is the dream. You can make out body shape, but never features. It's really an assumption.
"I'm trying to be humble by not letting everyone know that I'm the best." Haiba Lev
"(F/n)-channnnnnn!" Lev yells, bounding towards you at full speed. You step aside as the first year passes you due to his momentum and hits the person behind you.

"Lev." Yaku says darkly, grabbing the tall boy by the back of his shirt and yanking him down to his height. You step up to the two of them and pat their heads, signaling them to stop fighting. Yaku lets the boy go with an overly dramatic sigh. "(F/n), you've got to stop being so lenient towards him. He's gotta learn what's right and wrong one way or another." He says loudly.

"Yakkun, I understand. I really do. But sometimes you can be a little extra." You say with a small smile. You beckon Lev towards you and pat his head affectionally, though you sigh when he wraps you up in a hug.

"Lev, why are you so touchy feely." You say lowly, though you don't push him away. He snuggles you closely with a wide smile.

"I'm not this affectionate with everyone." He mutters under his breath, though you can't hear him as Kuro chooses to show up and pluck you away from Lev.

"Happy Birthday (F/n)-chan!" He says happily, dropping you only to flash his jazz hands. You smile and him and mirror his actions, though you stop when Kenma gives the two of you a look and goes back to his game.

"Happy 18th birthday (F/n). How does it feel to be an adult?" Yaku asks you light heartedly.

"Adult? Yeah right! She may legally be an adult, but mentally she is far from it." Kuroo snorts, earning a slap to the back of the head from you. The lot of you begin your journey to the gym for volleyball practice, but a certain member falls behind.

"Lev, what's wrong?" You asks, falling behind to talk to him. He looks at you sadly and looks back down. Dirt puffs up in clouds as he kicks the ground lightly.

"Well, you're 18 now. You'll have your dream about your soulmate and you'll leave me." He pouts. You stop walking and look at him in surprise. He stops with you as well, but he won't look at you.

"Lev..." You say softly. He looks at you and looks away quickly. His face is flushed a light red and he's fumbling with his phone. You sigh lightly and tug on his tie. He tilts his head at you and you lean up and place a light kiss on his cheek. His face flushes deeply, and you swear steam comes out of his ears. "Don't worry Lev, I won't leave you."

You turn around to catch up with the group, though you're stopped by Lev grabbing your wrist. He pulls you to him and picks you up.

"(F/n)-chan, you're so cool!" He says loudly while spinning you around. You laugh at the male and tap his shoulder. He sets you down and the two of you follow the others to the gym.


You sigh deeply as you roll around your bed, unable to sleep. The clock hits 12 and you decide to try one more time. Your eyes flutter shut, and almost instantly you're swept away into a dream.

Wind blows through beautifully colored trees, carrying the relaxing sounds of the night. A large lake sparkles with the light of the moon,  fish swimming through its crystalline waters. Fireflies glow around you, and the stars shine brightly above. You sit on the bank of the lake, dipping your feet in and watching the fish swim around them. A small tune escapes you, and your body sways as you hum. A light creaking echoes through the night, and you look up to see a figure on a bridge crossing the water. He stands tall, his silhouette dark against the moonlight as he lifts up an arm to wave at you. A smile graces your face as you rise from your spot to approach him. The wind blows roughly, making his fine hair blow wildly. He seemingly cups his hands around his mouth and leans forward.

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