|19| Bokuto Kotaro |Last Words|

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Haha you have glasses in this, suck it up.

The last words pop up after they're said. You can feel them burning on your arm.


"Akaaaaaashi! I'm going to miss the last bus, hurry up!"

"Bokuto-san we just finished practice, I am doing the best I can here." Akaashi breaths out tiredly. Bokuto huffs in frustration as they jog, in his opinion, rather slowly to the bus stop. Practice had run later than usual, which made their extra practice run even longer. The two finally wrapped things up at around 11:30, leaving them only a few minutes to race to the benches laid out for the passengers comfort. They collapse onto the freezing wood with a sigh. An unusual but not unwelcome silence surrounds the two while they wait. Suddenly the sound of swishing fabric breaks the silence and a female seats herself on the other end.

She throws the pile of papers that she was running with onto her lap and tries to make a neater pile with them. Her black glasses slip down her nose as she looks through a few of them in a confusion. A thin hand goes to her messy (h/c) hair and she ruffles it in frustration. All the while wide golden eyes stare at the girl in awe.

"She looks like an angel..." Bokuto says quietly. Akaashi almost splutters at Bokuto's statement. Black eyebrows raise in confusion as he looks at the love struck teen. "More like a mess." Is what runs through Akaashi's head.

"Bokuto-san, I'm leaving now. You should be fine, right?" All he gets is a nod from the distracted teen. He sighs before walking away from the bus stop and to his own home.
The girl continues to go through the papers before sighing loudly and throwing them into her bag. Her (e/c) eyes shoot up to meet Bokuto's when she feels his stare on her. He looks away quickly with a deep blush on his face. The girl looks at him in confusion and opens her mouth to speak. The screeching of the bus cuts her off as it stops in front of them. She throws him one more look before getting onto the bus. Bokuto watches her get onto the bus and sit down, even after the doors close. Almost as if in a trance he stares at her lovely figure. The bus pulls away, and only then does he realize he was supposed to get on.

"AH! W-Wait for me! Hey!" But he goes unheard as the bus rumbles away.


"You missed the bus." Akaashi says with a blank face. The other male nods his head quickly with a hum, "I was just so busy looking at her 'kaashi! She was so dang beautiful!"

"I'm glad you thought so. How was your walk home?"

"Cold!" Bokuto yells enthusiastically. Akaashi can't help but be confused as he watches the owlish guy jump around.

"Also! You don't have to walk me to the bus stop anymore!"


Again Bokuto jogs to the bus stop at the late hours of the night. He had made sure practice ran over so he could see his lovely lady again. A wide smile takes over his face as he thinks of the many nights he's seen her these past few weeks. Though they never speak, he likes to think she likes him being there. He'd like to change the no speaking part but the amount of courage it would take seems beyond Bokuto's reach. Every time he tries his words seem to get caught in his throat, and all they share are quick glances and small smiles. He seats himself on the wooden bench and waits happily for her to come. After a bit of time the bus rumbles up to him. He looks around in confusion before boarding the bus slowly. He seats himself at the back and looks out the back window. The bus rumbles back to life and starts to move, and thank god he sat at the back.

"Bus driver! There's a lady running! I think she's trying to catch the bus!" He yells to the front. The bus driver stops the bus and she stumbles up to the door. She bows her head multiple times and he says something to her. Her eyes shoot to Bokuto in surprise and she begins to make her way towards him. His hands become clammy as she takes the seat right next to his.

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