Voting Results!

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Alright! So, I've counted up the votes! The winner is...

Akaashi Keiji!

I'll be writing another part for that! I also revised quite a bit of the story and the way you meet is different. The words are also different, so before you read the second part I heavily recommend re-reading the first one! I changed a lot of it! I will probably also look over all the other chapters as well! I will also be writing another part for the second place winner! But... there was a tie! So what better to do then put two pieces of paper in a hat and shake them up! Between the two best friends, Tsukishima Kei and YamaGUCHI Tadashi, the winner is...


Who's ready to see if Yams becomes king?! I also have another surprise! I placed all the numbers of each chapter in a hat (Minus the previous winners) and picked at random! Whoever I pull out will be the winner. I'm currently rummaging around in the hat as I write! The winner for the random drawing is...

Hanamaki Takahiro!

I hope none of you are disappointed, I know he's not that popular of a character...

Anyway! These are the results! I apologize if your chapter didn't get picked, but I can't (won't) write more for them all! I'll let these out in the order, so expect them! I might drop a request here or there though, so ya know...

Akaashi Keiji

Yamaguchi Tadashi

Hanamaki Takahiro

Which one of these are you guys looking forward to the most~?

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