|22| Oikawa Tooru |Writing|

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You guys are probably tired of seeing Oikawa, but I was going through my requests book and literally need to write this. I write when I'm inspired, what can I say lol. I also wrote a lot of requests, I'm just letting them out slowly (I also don't feel like editing lol.).

Alright! So this is pretty basic prompt, hope you guys enjoy lol.

Requested by JannaSc


The shrieking sound of girls echoes throughout the halls of Aoba Johsai. You pass by the mass and throw a look towards the center of attention; Oikawa Tooru. With a sigh you watch him send smiles, though very fake, to all of the girls around. His pretty boy face attracts many girls and you hate to admit that you are most definitely one of them. With the perfectly wavy brown hair and the brilliant smile on his face, what isn't there to love?

Though you have better things to do than stare at the young man all day. You may have a crush on him, but you can control yourself. You continue your path past the group and make your way to your classroom. When you slide the door open you are suddenly bombarded with people surrounding you on every side. Girls and guys alike, all asking how your days been so far and if you slept well. With a plastic smile you entertain them until class begins. Right as the bell rings the door flies open and the grand king himself enters the room. The teacher shoots him a glare and he speeds to his seat, which is conveniently right in front of yours. He shoots you a small smile as he sits down before directing his attention to the incredibly boring teacher.

As the class goes on you can't help but let your eyes wander to Oikawa's backside. From the top of his head and down his broad shoulders. You sigh quietly and pick up your ink pen. Blue lines of ink take form on the inside of your wrist, random scribbles to distract you from the beauty that is Oikawa Tooru. Eventually the bell rings for lunch and the brunette shoots out of the classroom faster than the teacher can dismiss everyone. You start to eat your lunch in peace until, again, everyone from the class approaches you. Before they can begin talking you quickly stand up from your chair, shoot them a quick excuse, and get the hell out of there.

With a blank face you wander around as to stay away from the mass of people. You'd want nothing more than to just eat your lunch in peace, even if it's just once. You find yourself in front of the gym doors, lunch in hand and a very hungry stomach. When you open the doors you find an empty gym in front of you. Volleyballs are scattered everywhere and the lights are on. Deciding you'd rather not be here when someone comes back you go to the storage room to hide away. The door opens with a squeak and something sounding quite like a gasp. You freeze as you see Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki all sitting in a circle. They stare at you and you stare back, everyone to confused to say anything. That is, until Iwaizumi decides to pipe up.

"Really Trashikawa, you forgot to check if any of your fangirls were following you?" He says in his gruff voice. Your face flushes red and you frown at the muscular man.

"I swear I checked Iwa-chan!"

"So then why is she here?"

"Well... Um... I don't know! Ask her yourself!" Oikawa cries out while pointing an accusing finger at you. Suddenly everyone's eyes are on you again, making you incredibly nervous. Iwaizumi raises an eyebrow at you, making you realize they're waiting for you to talk.

"I didn't follow him here! I was just trying to find a place to eat my lunch in peace! Everyone always crowds around me and tries to talk to me when all I wanna do is eat!" You say while staring at the four males. Oikawa gets a sudden look of realization on his face and makes an odd noise.

"I know who you are! Guys, this is (L/n) (F/n), she's like, super popular! Of course, not as popular as me!" He says while holding up a peace sign, "A lot of the guys and some of the girls always try to talk to her!"

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