|27| Semi Eita |First Words|

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A bell dings as you open the door of a little bakery on your street. You hum under your breath as the smell of freshly baked pastries floods your senses. With quick steps you find yourself at the front of the shop, cash already in hand. The cashier, a new worker it seems, smiles at you before asking what you'd like. With a excited look in your eyes you point to the freshly made muffins. He grabs one and you pay for it before sitting in your usual seat. You bite into the muffin, a satisfied sigh leaving your lips as the amazing flavor fills your mouth.

The sound of shuffling brings your attention back to the front, and you watch as the same guy who always restocks the pastries fills up the display case. His dark brown eyes look at you for a second before going back to his duties. You're always there to eat, in the same place, at the same time. He's always there as well, filling up the display case with more of those wonderful pastries. Every day he looks at you for a bit before finishing his job. He's quite cute in your opinion, so you don't really mind his wandering eyes.

"I hope he doesn't think think badly of me, I am always here eating sweets after all..." You mutter while looking down at the third muffin they'd brought you. After coming so often they'd just bring you what you'd want instead of making you come up to the front multiple times. You'd pay afterwards and go on with your day. The gray haired male finishes restocking and goes into the back. When you finally finish with your food you go up to the front to pay.

"Hey, is he the baker or something?" You ask the cashier who you've come to know as Goshiki. He shakes his head from side to side before pausing and tilting his head. "Well... Kind of?"

"What do you mean kind of?" You ask him with a laugh. His face flushes and he waves his hands around quickly. "I-I mean! He's the owners son, and he helps bake everything! But he's not the main baker?" He says while looking down in confusion. A person you're more familiar with approaches Goshiki and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Tsutomu, you're shifts over. You can go home now."

"Y-Yes Ushijima-san!" Goshiki squeaks before scurrying to the back to get his things. Ushijima takes his spot at the front and his eyes land on you. "(L/n)."

"Hello Ushiwaka!" His lips curl downwards slightly and he sighs lowly. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?"

"How many time do I have to call you that for you to realize I'm not gonna stop?" He frowns at you, "Hey, can you grab me another muffin? You know which one!" He grabs it and throws in one of your favorite cookies as well. You tell him how many muffins you'd already eaten and pay for them before leaving the bakery and making your way to your university.


The next morning comes and you find yourself at the door of the bakery you love so much. The bell dings and you smile when you see the bouncy redhead standing at the register.

"(F/n)-chan! You're five minutes late!" Tendo yells and points at the clock behind you. You laugh and lean over the counter. "There's a new muffin today! Try it, and if you don't like it I'll pay for it!"

"Deal!" You say with an outstretched hand. He sets the red muffin in your hand and you stare at it before taking a small bite. Your eyes light up and fly to his smiling face. "Holy mother of god, what kind of muffin is this?!"

"They were experimenting with flavors and tried out a red-velvet and chocolate muffin! Like it?"

"As much as I want you to pay for my muffin, I'd hate to say I'm not enjoying it right now. So, give me two more so I can go sit down!" He snickers before putting the rest of your requested muffins onto a plate. He hands you a small cup of tea, "On the house!" He says while waving you over to your table. You enjoy your food in silence until you hear the usual sound of rolling wheels from behind you. With a quick look you see the same male you see everyday loading pastries into the case. He looks up at you, then at your plate before continuing to load things in. You look at your messy plate with a red face before quickly cleaning it up.

You walk to the front, but Tendo seems to have disappeared. You quickly reach a hand around the case and grab two of the new muffins before putting them into two small baggies. They make a loud crinkling sound as you set them on the counter in front of you before letting your head hit the counter top with a thud. A shuffling sound alerts you to someone's presence and you slide the muffins forward without looking up.

"You know how many muffins I got tender salami, just add these ones and I'll leave." The cash register beeps as numbers are put in and the person clears their throat.

"So I take it you enjoyed the muffins?" A voice that is most definitely not Tendo's asks you. Your head shoots up and you're met with the quite handsome face of the gray haired male. You stare at him for a second before looking down at the muffins. With a red face you nod quickly and grab them off of the counter. "W-Where did Tendo go?"

"Well, he saw the words on my arm and suddenly rushed me out here, saying some nonsense about how there's only one person he knows that calls him tender salami." He says with a grin. You stare at him, eyes wide as he shows his arm to you.

"So this whole time, for the past like three years, we've been this close to each other." You say while staring at his arm. He nods his head and the two of you just stand there. Suddenly someone clears their throat behind you and the two of you realize that quite the line has accumulated. With a red face you quickly hand over your money, but not before the male grabs your hand and writes something on it.

"My names Semi Eita, and I hope to see you tomorrow!"

"O-Of course! Same time everyday!" You say and wave at him. The bell dings behind you and your eyes focus on your arm. Numbers are written in a line, his name just above them. With a smile you start your walk to campus.


The bell dings as you enter the shop. Ushijima stands at the front, ready with your muffin like he usually is. You smile at him before taking the muffin and settling into your seat. A satisfied sigh leaves your lips, the delicious taste of the muffin distracting you from your surroundings. A plate is suddenly slid in front of you and you look up. Semi looks down at you with a smile, another muffin in his other hand.

"We're trying out some new recipes, want to taste?" With a smile you nod at him. As you sit with him you find yourself enjoying the conversation more than the sweets. This bakery, unknown to many people in this large city, has suddenly gotten much warmer with the addition of a man named Semi Eita. You watch him talk, the way he waves his hands around when he gets excited and how his eyes light up when you give him positive comments on his sweets. You're sure you can't be happier anywhere else, with everything you'd ever want in your favorite little bakery.


C-C-C-Combo Breaker~!

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