|08| Bokuto Kotaro |Heterochromia|

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Ok! So, ya knowwwww. Brokutos got golden eyes, so ya know what's up. Bye, this ones a quickie. I was just feeling my main boy (He's my favorite btw), and had to whip this up 😂. You'll trade eye colors without noticing, as you can't feel it. They trade when the other person is acknowledged.

"Hey, hey, hey!" -Bokuto Kōtarō
The mascara wand glides across your lashes as you finish your makeup routine. You do one last mirror check before grabbing your bag to walk to school. Light humming fills the silence as you walk with a slight skip, already in a good mode for the day. You were headed to school early, as the usually quite Kenma had actually asked you to watch them practice. The gentle sound of birds chirping makes a smile hang on your face, and you can't help but feel in an amazingly good mood. You stop at Kenma's house and lightly knock on the door, awaiting the arrival of the quite male.

After a few minutes he exits his house with his bag in hand. You shoot him a small smile before the two of you start walking. Upon first meeting Kenma, you had thought he was your soulmate because of his golden eye. But upon further inspection, you had seen his other eye and frowned in realization. The orange tinted brown eye pairs nicely next to the golden one, almost like they compliment each other. Definitely not a (e/c) eye. You look at him, and gasp when you see his eyes.

"Holy shit Kenma, you found your soulmate?" You say, looking at his face closely. He nods his head and tucks his hair behind his ear nervously. You smile at him before looking away, deciding not to pressure him into telling you what happened. Your humming fills the air again as the two of you walk, eventually making it to Nekoma.

The sound of volleyballs hitting the gym floor echoes against the walls as the two of you enter. Surprisingly, some people were already there practicing. You jump slightly when you feel someone grab you from behind.

"Hey (F/n)~" Kuroo purrs, patting you on the head. You sigh lightly, trying not to laugh at his antics. The guy always goes on about how you're soulmates and the system just messed up. Though he does have one gold eye and one (e/c) eye, they never switched. Also, honestly, if you look close enough, you can tell that his "golden eye" is actually more of a hazel color.

"When our eye colors finally decide to switch, I'd love for you to keep the golden eyes. You look simply amazing with one of them." He says, attempting to sound suave. The two of you stare at each other before bursting into laughter.

"Anyway, you picked a great day to come to watch us practice! Fukurōdani's volleyball team is coming to practice with us, and you can meet my bro!" Kuroo says happily, patting your head once again. Taketora yells something to Kuroo, and he excuses himself to go see what the problem is.

After the boys warm up, the doors to the gym are thrown open dramatically.

"HEY HEY HEY!" A loud voice booms, causing everyone to look over.

"BRO!" Kuroo yells, making his way to the doors. The guy who yelled comes forward, and lord is his hair awesome. Like, you had never seen anything like it until now. Your eyes sparkle at the site, and you watch as the two do some sort of complicated handshake that finishes with an overly exaggerated fist bump. The male looks around before spotting you. His eyes light up, and he looks at Kuroo with excitement.

"Who's the pretty lady?" He asks loudly, causing you to turn as red as a tomato. Kuroo cackles and gestures for you to come over.

"This is (L/n) (F/n), one of my close friends!" He says, throwing an arm around your shoulder.

"I'm Bokuto Kōtarō! Nice to meet you!" He says happily. You smile at him and look at his eyes. You gasp at the pretty gold they are, but frown when you see that they are a completed set.

"Woah, (F/n). What happened to the gold eye?" Kuroo says, leaning closer to look at your face. You raise your eyebrows in confusion and pull out your phone. Turning on your camera, you gasp when you see two (e/c) eyes.

"Bro, did mine change too?!" Bokuto says excitedly, pointing to his eyes. Kuroo nods quickly, and Bokuto grin widens somehow. He sticks a hand out to you.

"Nice to meet you soulmate!" He says, and you take his hand to shake it. He quickly pulls you towards him and hugs you, and you hug back in surprise. You start laughing at him, deciding that he seemed like a genuine person. Kuroo claps behind the two of you, gaining your attention.

"Sorry lovebirds, but you still came here to practice! Wrap it up so when can start!" He says in a mock serious tone, causing Bokuto to look at him sadly.

"But Br-"

"No buts! Now, let's go!"
I really liked writing this 😂😆
By the way, if you were some of the people to read this book before this chapter came out, I added something to the first actual chapter of this book, the Nishinoya Color oneshot!

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