|07| Ushijima Wakatoshi |Symbols|

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Ok! I am back, and my writing style has improved 😁. I'll probably go back and edit the past stories, and hopefully I'll be more inspired to write more! Make sure to go check out my new story about Kageyama!

Alright! So you've got the tattoos, but there's a catch. They're matching, and they've got something both of you like. Once you meet said person the tattoo becomes outlined in gold instead of black. After both tattoos are gold both participants feel a rush of increasing affection.

You live in America, and Ushijima obviously lives in Japan! You are 23, and just got back from studying abroad in Japan. Ushijima is 22 and is in America with the Japanese national team for a volleyball tour. Your exact location is Los Angelos, California. The volleyball team is in L.A., where they will be for the next few weeks. The team is staying in the apartment while they are there as the trip will be about a month and a half. The members of the national team that are staying on your floor are: Ushijima, Semi, Oikawa, Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi.

"With movements like those, I figured you would also be good at receives and blocks. You can't compete where height's concerned, so what are you doing with such an infantile level of skill?" Ushijima Wakatoshi
You yawn loudly, waiting for the plane to land at the airport. A pen in hand, you trace the small shape of Japan that's etched onto the inside of your wrist. You glide around the giant volleyball sitting at the top, saving that for last. An array of colors sits at your disposal, waiting to be used. You pick up a purple pen and color in Japan, then grab red and green to color the volleyball. Underneath the volleyball sits (Favorite Object/Hobby Symbol), which you color it's appropriate colors. A satisfied sigh leaves you as you admire your work, and you begin to put away your supplies happily.

"Please buckle your seatbelts everyone, we are preparing to land." A monotone voice says over the loud speaker. After a smooth landing everyone gets together their bags and leaves the plane. Upon exiting, you find yourself surrounded by large groups of people. You put a large smile on your face and begin walking towards the entrance of the airport. Back in America at last.

"Taxi!" You yell, waving your arm up and down. Said car screeches to a stop in front of you, and you put your bags in the trunk and get in. You give the man your address and he speeds ahead, taking you to your apartment that's a few miles away. You watch the scenery pass by, and you see a large group of men dressed in suits surrounded by people and reporters. Microphones are pointed at them, though they leave your sight as you drive around a corner. You soon pull up to the apartment your parents arranged for your return. Your car sits in the parking lot, it's new paint job shining in the sunlight.

You pay the taxi driver and make your way to your room. Unlocking the door, you flop down onto the couch. The room is decorated nicely, probably thanks to your mom. Taking out your phone, you scroll through your Instagram feed. Eventually becoming bored of snooping through other people's lives, you make your way to the kitchen. On the counter sits a little note.

"Hey sweetie! Since you're reading this, it must mean your back! If you're not my child, then kindly exit the apartment! Honey, I've put food in the fridge so you don't starve. Call if you need anything! Love~ Mom" You read out loud. Opening the fridge, you find it stock piled with enough food to last you weeks. Checking the cabinets you find even more food, and tears of joy fill your eyes. You wouldn't starve!

Next stop, your sleeping quarters! Upon entrance you see your bed, which happens to be a queen, as well as a large t.v. across from it. On both sides are nightstands, as well as matching lamps. A large chest is at the foot of the bed, and a bookshelf and dresser are positioned in the corner. Quite satisfied with the choice of decoration, you roll in your suitcases and begin to unpack.

Hours pass by, some of which are spent procrastinating. After all of your bags are unpacked you rise and stretch. Checking the time, you see it's 11 pm. Your stomach rumbles loudly, so you go to grab a snack. As you make a sandwich, a loud knock echoes through your apartment. Your eyebrows raise in surprise, though you go to check the door. Looking through the peephole, you see a gorgeous japanese man with dark hair and gunmetal blue eyes. Opening the door, you look out to see a large group of men.

"Sorry for interrupting you at such a late hour, but I just wanted to apologize in advance for all the noise my teammates may make. We are a part of the Japanese national volleyball team." He says in a heavily accented voice. You smile at him and nod while looking at the group. Two of the members seem to be arguing, while the rest all look at you.

"Nice to meet you! I'm (L/n) (F/n). You can just call me (F/n) since we're in America. I guess I'll be your neighbor for however long you stay here." You say in Japanese, silently thanking yourself for studying there. The group looks quite surprised, though a large man in the back flinches slightly. The man in front of you clears his throat.

"I am Akaashi Keiji. It's a pleasure to meet you." He says, relief lacing his tone. You laugh silently. The men all begin to converse in Japanese, relieved that you understood it.

"IM BOKUTO KOUTAROU! THE NUMBER ONE ACE!" A spiky haired guy yells, smiling brightly. A wild haired man hits him over the top of the head and smiles at you. "I'm Kuro Tetsurō." He says smoothly while wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'm Oikawa Tooru, pleased to meet you. It's not everyday I get to talk to a beautiful lady such as yourself." A brunette says, grabbing your hand and kissing it with a wink. You stare at him for a second before you burst into laughter. A shocked look passes over his face while the rest of the group laughs with you.

"Wow~ She's immune to the Tooru charm!" Tetsurō cackles, holding his stomach. Tooru looks at him angrily before stomping away. The next male goes to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Semi Eita. Nice to meet you." He says lightly, giving you a small smile. You nod at the man and look at the last one to speak. Instead of engaging in the conversation he's looking hard at his wrist. Eita elbows his side and the man looks up to see you looking at him expectantly.

"Ushijima Wakatoshi." He says in a deep voice. You go to smile at him, though you wince in pain as your wrist starts to burn. You grab it and look down, though it holds it's black color. You frown in confusion, though your eyes light up when you remember something. Everyone watches you confusedly, though Ushijima looks quite disappointed. At least, to you he does.

You lick the pad of your thumb and rub your wrist, rubbing away the ink from your earlier project. Underneath reveals a shining gold, and you cheer in triumph. However, your cries of happiness are interrupted by a bone crushing hug. You gasp loudly, though you hug back. You feel the male detach himself quickly and throw his hands up.

"I am not quite sure why I had the impulse to do that, nor why I went through with it." He says, a small bit of red on both cheeks.

"The rush of affection?" You ask, and his eyes widen in realization. A small smile decorates his face, and he grabs your hand.

"Nice to meet you soulmate." He says lowly, looking at you affectionately. You smile brightly and nod at him. A whining Tooru re-enters the hall.

"WAIT! Your telling me Ushiwaka found his soulmate before I found mine?!"

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