|13| Tendo Satori |Age|

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Alright! This is a new one, where you stop aging when ya reach the age of 15. Once you touch your soulmate you start aging, but only one of the two will be aware your soulmate status. The person who is aware gets a little zap as well. When ya make eye contact you'll see little clips of future events with the two of you.

This is gender neutral! Remember, two dudes can adopt kids~

This will actually follow Tender Salami around, I think it'll be more interesting that way!

Thank you @Ota-Kun316 for requesting~ Sorry I didn't necessarily make Tendo "ignore" her, I just thought this would be nice! I also altered the soulmate properties a little, but I believe it flowed really nicely.

"What is it -♪- that breaks with a crickety-crack? Your heart of course!♪" Tendo Satori
"Alright class, take your seats! We have a new student transferring in today." The teacher yells rather loudly. Everyone looks around in confusion.

"Who in the hell would transfer in a month late during their first year?" Tendo wonders.

A student with (H/c) hair (E/c) eyes walks into the room quickly. Their eyes float around and they twiddle their thumbs nervously.

"I-I'm (L/n) (F/n), nice to meet you..."

"Go to the empty seat in the back, Tendo-san! Raise your hand!" The teacher bellows. Tendo rolls his eyes and lazily throws up a hand. The student shuffles to the back quickly and situates themselves beside him. Tendo quickly scribbles on a piece of paper and slides it to them.

Hey, I'm Tendo Satori! Don't bother to introduce yourself because I already know your name~

Hello Tendo-san...

No need for the honorifics! Just call me Satori! It was just my birthday by the way, yesterday! I'm 16 now~ If you would have transferred in on time you would have been here!

I'll just use Tendo, it wouldn't feel comfortable for me to use first names. Also, I was trying homeschooling and I just wasn't satisfied with it. I hope you'll still accept me. Happy late birthday!

Thank you! So, when's your birthday~?

Tendo pokes (F/n) with the note and they go to take it. As their fingers brush Tendo's they jump slightly and pull their hand back. They avert their eyes almost instantly and snatch the note away. Tendo looks at them in confusion until they begin to slide the note back to him, though it doesn't go unseen.

"Tendo! (L/n)! Why are you passing notes!" The teacher shouts. (F/n) squeaks and hides behind the textbook on their desk while Tendo attempts to make some half-assed excuse. The note gets taken and thrown away and the lesson continues.

—— Beginning Of Second Year ——

"Wakaaa! We're in the same class!" Tendo cheers happily. His green haired companion grunts and continues walking. The two enter the class and Tendo's eyes widen when he sees who's sitting near the back. He races to them and abandons the beanstalk next to him.

"(F/n)!! We're in the same class again!" He cheers happily. (F/n) continues to look down at their hands and... ignores him?

"Hey... (F/n)? What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" He says with a head tilt. (F/n) continues to look away from him. Tendo continues to bother them until the teacher walks in, and they just so happen to give assigned seats. They separate Tendo from (F/n), putting them at opposite ends of the room. Tendo sighs as he stares at (F/n) from across the room until the lunch bell rings.

"Hey! (F/n)!" He yells while following them.

"Hey, doesn't Tendo-san look older? Has he found his soulmate yet?" A few of the girls in their class whisper as the two of them leave. Tendo rushes out of the door and grabs (F/n)'s wrist.

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