|20| Kozume Kenma |Thoughts|

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Request by @Starlighthunter

You hear the thoughts of your soulmate at the age of 15. I'm adding something that the requestee didn't ask for! First off, you only hear the strongest thoughts. Things they feel/want the most. Second, thoughts timing and volume are changed by distance. So if you're right in front of your soulmate you'll hear their thoughts as soon as they think them and it'll sound like they're shouting and there is like, a second of delay. Once you talk to your s/o the thoughts won't go through anymore.

Also, I seriously love making you related to the other boys lol.
You wake up to the loud sound of your alarm going off. You roll over and turn it off quickly before jumping out of bed. With a shout you throw open the door to your room and run out into the hall. "It's my birthday!"

"Happy 15th birthday honey." Your mom says when you throw open the door to her room. Your dad groans and pulls the covers farther over his head. You race to the kitchen to get your breakfast. You quickly begin to stuff your face as the television blares ads at you.

"That new games coming out, I have to go buy it." A males voice whispers inside your head. Though you can barely make out the words it's still just enough to surprise you. You choke on your food and hit your chest multiple times as you hack up waffles. Your mom enters with worry etched onto her face, "Are you okay honey?"

"Mom, I just heard my soulmate!!"


Your parents hug you tightly as the loudspeakers call for any last minute passengers. With a deep breath you turn away from your loved ones and board the large plane that would be taking you to an entirely new country; Japan. For your second year in high school you would be staying with your aunt and uncle in Tokyo. You'd be going to some school that started with an F. Fu... Fuku something...? You're not quite sure, but you're one thing, and that's hella excited! A whole new place for you to explore before you actually grow up and take some responsibility! Of course you would miss you're parents, but it's not like you'll stay there forever.

"I wanna play games..." A very quite voice echoes through your head. You tilt your head with a sigh before leaning back in your chair. The plane makes it's way down the runway and your eyeslids slide closed for the long journey ahead.

A groan escapes you as one of the other passengers taps your shoulder. You groggily open your eyes and drag your items from under the seat. You try to shake the sleep off as you leave the plane when suddenly someone tackles you with a loud yell.

"(F/n)! It's so good to see you honey!" Your aunt yells in her heavy Japanese accent. With a sigh you remind her you learned the language before you came, so she can speak normally. "Oh thank heavens, that would have become annoying very fast!" She chirps.

"(F/n)! How's my favorite niece!" Your uncle yells as he ruffles your hair. With a laugh you hug the large man. "You mean your only niece!"

"Oho, you got me there!" He says with a wink, "So how is my dear sister and her husband doing?"

"Mom and dad are great, they said they miss you guys."

"Aw, we miss them too!" Your forever chipper aunt says. Your uncle grabs your bags from you and the three of you exit the airport. On the way back to their house you sing songs on the radio to pass the time, even though they don't live that far. When the car pulls into the driveway the three of you begin to unload your bags.

"I want apple pie..." A voice says loudly in your head. Your eyes widen as you think the line over again. Holy hell, your soulmate is in Japan and is very close. With a yell you run to your aunt and pounce on her. "I heard my soulmate really loud just now! That means they're here!"

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