|05| Kuroo Tetsurou |Injury Mark|

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"We're like the blood in our veins. We must flow without stopping. Keep the oxygen moving and your mind working." - Kuroo Tetsurou

Strong Language Used, You Have Been Warned~

You are both in college, first year.
This one might not be that long, idk.
He acts like he doesn't remember the soulmate traits. Or he doesn't give a fuck.

Everything was great in the beginning. He would come back to your shared apartment after classes, and spend actual time with you. What happened?

Kuroo stumbles through the door of your apartment, drunk as hell. You don't have to look at him to know where he's been. You don't have to look at the lipstick stains or smell the cheap perfume to know he was out with any random slut he could find. You have the multiple bruises that litter your neck and back, that you constantly try to hide. They were enough proof to know that the bastard didn't care enough.

"H-hey (F/n), why are you still up?" He asks, not sober enough to be nervous. You look at him with a glare before speaking.

"Where the hell have you been?" You ask menacingly. He looks at you as he happily wobbles in your direction. He goes to whisper into your ear.

"That doesn't matter, because I'm here now, right?" He purrs. You can smell the intoxicating alcohol on his breath. He grabs your wrist, and you wince in pain. Tetsurou looks at you curiosly before he pushes your sleeve up. Across your arm are multiple hickies, all in varying colors.

"WHAT THE HELL (F/N)?!" He shouts angrily. You look at him in shock before you pull your wrist away from him roughly. Your hand flies across his face, giving him a bruise that put the others to shame.

"What do you mean Tetsurou?" You ask quietly, tears starting to fill your eyes.

"Do you really think I would go out and fuck other people because I'm not satisfied?! HUH?!" You start to yell, as the remnants of your heart shatter. He stares at you in disbelief, as he seems to sober up.

"(F/n) wait, I can exp-"

"EXPLAIN WHAT TETSUROU?! EXPLAIN WHY I HAVE THESE BRUISES EVERYWHERE ON MY BODY?!" He visibly pales at your statement. He had stupidly forgotten that you get the injury of your soulmate.

"Get the hell out." You whisper as tears run down your cheeks. He looks at you desperately before falling to his knees.

"P-please (F/n). I can't live without you. Please don't make me leave. Give me another chance! I swear I won't hurt you again!" He sobs pathetically. You sigh before walking into your shared bedroom, slamming the door behind you.

———Three Months Later———

You had forgiven him, like you always did. But, surprisingly, your relationship was good. He didn't come home drunk anymore, he occasionally went out to parties though. He had earned your trust once again. But now is not the time for thinking, now is the time for chores.(nevar huehuehue).

You were currently walking home from the grocery store, when you remembered that Tetsurou wanted you to text him when you were coming home. You pull out your phone and think for a bit.
(Here I shall give you 4 different endings to the story. The last will be the happy one, so yeah. This is because this chapter was short AF, so here ya go 😜)

Ending 1:

You quickly send him a text that tells him you're coming home. You start humming a random song until you hear a little ding from your bag. You search through your purse in confusion until you spot it, Tetsurou's phone.

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