|12| Kyoutani Kentarou |First Words|

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Alright! This is a request from~ @__logophile__
Also, I'm confused on the tagging thing, so sorry if it didn't work 🙃

"You've gotta attack at maximum power, or it won't feel satisfying at all !" Kyoutani Kentarou
"Uwah, it's so nice to be in the country!" You say with a yawn. After living in Tokyo for most of your life, it's nice to live in a place filled with trees. Your bag swings by your side as you take the short walk to Aoba Johsai. The large gates of the school loom in front of you, and with a smile you strut onto the campus.

"This time will be different, I'll be nice and positive! I won't threaten anyone, and I'll make lots of friends! Also, maybe I'll find my soulmate!" You whisper to yourself.

A large crowd of girls produce an ear splitting scream and you flinch in response. A tall figure stands in the middle of the crowd and your eyes widen when you see who it is. You pick up your pace and dash past the crowd, but you can't seem to dodge his watching eyes. The tall male flies through the crowd as if parts around him and barrels into you.

"(F/n)-chan!" He yells excitedly. You curse loudly as wraps himself around you.

"Get the hell off of me Tooru! I did not come to this school to be harassed by you!" You screech as you attempt to pry him off of you.

"I'm not harassing you, I'm showing love! Cousins are supposed to show love, aren't they?!" He whines loudly. You growl lowly and turn to your last resort, pain. You bite the brunettes hand making him howl in pain. You take this chance to slip out of his arms and run away, only to run into a brick wall. Strong arms steady you and you look up to see the one and only Iwaizumi Hajime.

"Thank god you're here Iwa-chan, we gotta go!" You says as you grab his wrist and run from your annoying older cousin. As you reach a nearly empty hallway you slow to a stop to catch your breath. Hajime looks at you in confusion as he leans against the wall.

"What the hell are you doing here (F/n)?" He asks in confusion. You look up at him with a small smile.

"We just moved here! I wanted it to be a surprise, so... surprise? Hehe..." You say as you throw up double peace signs. Hajime stares at you for a bit before slumping to the ground. "Great, now not only do I have deal with Trashikawa, I have to deal with his slightly less trashy cousin."

"Hey, rude! I'm not that bad, am I?" You say with a playfully punch. Hajime laughs before rising from his spot and leading you to your designated class. You thank the male with bright smile before walking in. The teacher introduces you and take a seat near the back. Even though it's your first day, you still don't pay attention. Your eyes wander to the window and you search for something interesting outside. Something other than the window does catch your attention though, but you're pretty sure it caught everyone's. The door to the class is thrown open and slammed shut behind a rather scary looking male. The teacher sighs loudly and goes to say something to the student, but the blonde simply walks past the teacher and takes a seat right in front of yours.

You study the scary guy in front of you until the bell rings. Students instantly surround your desk in an attempt to talk to you. You try your best to smile and remain positive and tell them that you have to go to buy lunch. A bunch of people still block your way and you become increasingly annoyed. One of the girls touches your hair, making you growl. You slap her hand away and slam your hands on the desk.

"I said I needed to go get my lunch! Now, all of you fuckers move away from my desk if ya know what's good for ya!" You shout. The students all freeze and slowly back away your desk. Though oddly enough, a quite girl still offers to come with you to buy lunch. You make it to the door before remembering that you left your wallet in your bag. You spin around to grab it only to come face to face with the scary look male. The two of you stare at each other before he shoots a glare at you with a growl and pushes past you. You sneer at the guy and go back into the class.


The final bell rings and you rise from your spot and quickly pack your things. You hear the sound of girls yelling and throw stuff into your bag at an increased rate. The door to your class is thrown open and you hear the boisterous laughter of Oikawa Tooru.

"(F/n), come to practice with Iwa-chan and I! Auntie said I had to walk you home!" You groan loudly and grab your bag. You walk straight past Tooru and fall into step with Hajime.

"So, how troublesome is it being Toorus soulmate?" You ask. Hajime rolls his eyes and points to his wrist. The words engraved there are "Hey, wanna push me on the swings!"

"It's so annoying. Why should I have to stay around this ass my whole life." He grunts. Tooru snickers quietly and leans forward.

"Now that's not true, you can leave if you want to~ There's nothing physically stopping you." Tooru says slyly. Hajime's ears turn a light pink while Tooru cackles loudly. You stop walking and the two boys stare at you in confusion.

"I'm gonna go buy some strawberry milk, I'll be at the gym in a bit." You separate from the two in search of a vending machine. You smile when you see one and shove your money into it. You tap your drink and wait for it to fall, but it doesn't. You frown and press it again, and again, and once more. Nothing. You frown and kick the machine, and still nothing. You continue to kick the machine until your interrupted.

"What do ya think you're doing, ya damn idiot?" A deep voice asks behind you. You turn around and frown darkly at the male.

"I was minding my own business, asshole." You say with a growl. The blonde frown turns into a glare and he gives you a growl of his own. He struts past you and kicks the machine harshly, making a drink fall. He grabs the drink and throws it to you before walking away. You run forward and grab the males wrist to stop him.

"What?" He says gruffly.

"Thank you." You say and look down at his wrist. Your eyebrows raise and you look back up at him.

"I think you're my soulmate?" You say to the male. He frowns and grabs your wrist.

"Ah." Is all he says. He moves forward, but he still keeps his hold fastened on your wrist.

"Where are we going?"

"Volleyball practice."

———A few Years Later———

"Kentarou, did you get the kids from daycare?" You yell to your husband as you walk in the door. You get no response though, and decide to explore the house for him. Upon opening your door you see your kids cuddled around Kentarou, all fast asleep. You whip out your phone and immediately begin to take pictures of the adorable scene before crawling into the bed with them. Dinner could wait, right?


Oh my gosh I loved this thank you for requesting it logophile. I hope it's what you wanted!

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