|28| Yamaguchi Tadashi |Hanahaki|

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I know it's not a soulmate thing, but I think it connects you to someone in a certain sense. So I'll drop these every once in a while, if you've got specific characters you want with this then you can just leave a comment.

This is short and heartbreaking sorry


Your parents watch fondly as you run around on small legs, chasing the slightly older Yamaguchi around the playground. He laughs loudly when you finally tackle him into the grass.

"Tadashi, I love you!" You yell while hugging the boy. He hugs back with a nod, "I love you too (F/n)!"


You enter the classroom in a rush, papers flying as you throw them onto your desk. The teacher shakes her head and puts a yellow sticker next to your name on the chart.

"But I want a green sticker!" You whine. The teacher raises her eyebrows at you and points to your seat, "You were late, now take a seat!"

"Yes teacher..." You take your seat with a sigh, but of course, there was someone there to improve your mood.

"Hey (F/n)..." Yamaguchi whispers. You raise your hand without looking back at the boy. He slips a small piece of paper into your hand and taps it, letting you know you can read it now. One tap for go, two taps for no.

I love you!!!

You smile and turn around quickly, making a small heart with your fingers at him. His face turns a light red, then he looks like he's about to laugh. His eyes are trained behind you, but before you get the chance to look back you hear a voice.

"(L/n) (F/n)! Turn around this instant!" Yamaguchi starts laughing loudly when you are forced to turn around with a pout, but not before you slip the note back onto his desk.

I love you more!!!!


"I'm so glad we decided to go to the same middle school!" You say as the two of you walk into the entrance of the school. He smiles at you before training his eyes on the board in front of you.

"We didn't get the same class..." He says in a dejected tone. You pat his back and try to give him your biggest smile.

"It's okay, you'll make some new friends!"

"I guess..."

"I'll see you after school!"

"Yeah- wait don't leave yet!"

"Huh, why?"

"I-I love you!"

"I love you too Yams, see you later!"


"(F/n) have you seen Tsuki? We have volleyball practice!" He says when he steps into your classroom. You shake your head but stand up quickly before he leaves, "Wait!"


"I've got something to tell you!" You grab his hand and drag him out of the classroom. Students flood past you, but you couldn't care less.

"Yamaguchi Tadashi!"


"I love you!" He stares at you for a second, confusion marring his face.

"I love you too!" He says with a smile before patting you on the head and walking off. You stare at his back as he leaves, eyes wide. An odd scratching in your throat makes you cough. Something flutters out of your mouth and you look down and see a single flower petal at your feet.

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