|14| Shirabu Kenjiro |Color|

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Alright, the twist on this is that when you are having problems within the relationship your color begins to fade! When your vision turns fully black and white again your connection as soulmates has been cut off! That either means your soulmate has died or you're just no longer compatible.

Requested by @theDIGIfangirl

"Who cares if it's accurate or not. You can all eat shit." Shirabu Kenjiro


"Kenjiro, I'm sorry ok!" You yell with tears in your eyes. Apologies are as natural as waking up every morning now, but it never seems to help. Kenjiro frowns and yanks you forward by your wrist.

"Stop apologizing. Haven't you noticed it stopped working a long time ago?!" He says with a hiss. The tears continue to fall as he drops your wrist and storms into your shared bedroom. You hear the lock click shut after he slams the door. A thump echoes throughout the room as your knees hit the ground and you sob loudly. You slip your phone out of the pocket of your jacket and dial the only person you think can help.

"(F/n)?" A deep voice questions into the phone. You jump slightly before clearing your throat.

"Ushishi? Is (B/f) not there?" You ask quietly. The male makes a sound of protest as you hear something akin to wrestling, along with the shouts of your best friend.

"Hey (F/n)! What's up?"

"Could I come over right now? I know it's late, but I need somewhere to go..." You say quietly in an attempt to mask your sorrow. (B/f) sighs loudly.

"Did you fight with that blonde shortie again? I'll get Waka to beat his ass." They say angrily. You hold in a small laugh and shake your head on reflex.

"It's ok, I just can't be here right now."

"What about (S/n)?"

"He'll be fine, Kenjiros here."

"Alright, you can come. I've got a lot of your stuff here so don't worry about bringing anything."


"(F/n), which color looks better on me!" (B/f) asks loudly. You look up from your phone and study the two outfits.

"Both of them are to dreary. Like, kinda gray?"

"What? (F/n), these shirts are not dreary. This one is hot pink and the other is a dark red!"

"What are you talking about?" You ask confusedly. Your eyes widen and you shoot up from your spot on the bed. As you survey the barely colored room your eyes begin to water and you begin to hyperventilate.

"The colors are disappearing? How did I not notice before?" You say as tears run down your face. (B/f) yells something as you run out of the room and past Wakatoshi. He frowns as you throw open the front door and rush home.


You throw open the front door to your house and come face to face with Kenjiro. The two of you stare at each other until he sighs.

"(F/n), I need to go to work."

"W-Wait. Kenjiro, we need to talk."

"No, you need to get out of my way and I need to go to work." He growls. A frown settles on your face and you fully step into the house. Kenjiro takes a step back and you slam the door.

"I said we need to talk Kenjiro! Just listen to me for once!" You shout at him. He jumps in shock at your loud voice before an angry expression settles on his face. You wince in pain as he grabs your shoulders and forcefully moves you out of the way.

"Why should I listen to you when you left for a week without saying anything!? You couldn't return any of my calls or texts, and you expect for me to listen to you!? You didn't even think about (S/n) when you left, did you!? He's been crying all week!" Kenjiro yells. You flinch as tears roll down your face. He sighs loudly before walking past you and out the front door.


Kenjiro sits in his office typing up reports. His eyes wander to his phone and he sighs. His eyes widen in confusion as everything begins to lose color. His chair squeaks loudly as he jumps up in panic. He sprints to his car and races home. As he pulls in he doesn't bother to turn off his car as he jumps out and races to the front door.

His body shakes as he see the doors already partially open. He throws it open and looks around in panic.

"(F/n)?! (F/n) where are you?!" He shouts loudly. He hears weak coughs from the kitchen so he runs to the sound. His eyes widen and tears fill them as he finds you on the ground, blood covering your midsection. He calls the hospital with shaking hands as he rushes to your side.

"Yes, please hurry. There's blood everywhere." He says as he ends the call. Tears fall from his eyes as he runs his fingers through your hair.

"Kenjiro, there's someone in the house. I don't think they left yet." You say quietly. He flinches as he hears the pain in your voice. You jump as the sound of shattering glass echoes through the house. A panicked expression forms on your face as you try to get up.

"Kenjiro, (S/n) gets out of school early tod-"

"I'm home!" You hear the energetic voice of your son yell. Kenjiro jumps up from his spot beside you and grabs a large kitchen knife. He leans down and kisses your forehead before rushing to the front door for (S/n). He hears the high pitched sound of him screaming as he runs around the corner to the door. (S/n) shakes as he's cornered by a tall guy with torn clothing.

Kenjiro runs and tackles the male to the ground. He throws punch after punch as the intruder tries to fight back. The sound of sirens echoes outside as the intruder is rendered unconscious. (S/n) runs up to Kenjiro and hugs him tightly as he cries in fear. The paramedics throw open the front door and Kenjiro tells them where you are. He drives behind the ambulance as they rush you to the hospital, but he can't seem to focus as the color continues to recede from his vision.

The two males sit in the waiting room of the hospital as you undergo emergency surgery. Kenjiro tries to keep himself from shaking as the color continues to fade. Your son whimpers as he tries to focus on anything else but you. Kenjiro begins to shake violently as the color completely disappears from his visions. He shuts his eyes against the sight as tears flow from his eyes.

"Shit!" He yells as he throws his phone to the ground. (S/n) jumps and starts crying as well. Kenjiro breaths deeply and opens his eyes to comfort the boy, but he jumps when he sees the colors back in his vision. Though it's barely there, it still gives him a little hope. Kenjiro sighs in relief and pulls his son to him.


"You are very lucky she is alive. She lost a lot of blood and even died once during the procedure." The doctor says as he leads them to your hospital room. Kenjiro's hands shake as he opens the door to your room. His vision becomes blurry as he sees you hooked up to many different machines. You smile weakly at your boys as they both rush to your side. Kenjiro drops beside your bed and grabs your hand. Tears flow from his eyes and he attempts to wipe them away. He looks you in the eye as tears roll down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry (F/n)." He finally says, and suddenly bright colors light up your vision.
Gosh I enjoyed writing this. Thanks for requesting it! This probably isn't what you has in mind, but I hope you still liked it!

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