|10| Yamaguchi Tadashi |Red String|

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If your string is tangled and layer across many things in one area it hangs significance to your soulmate.

Since this is kingdoms, it's most likely England, therefore it will be first name basis and names like how we say them. Ex. Tooru Oikawa instead of Oikawa Tooru.
You live in a kingdom, your father is the king! He is trying to marry you off to someone, but you refuse.

"Motivation? What more do you need than pride?" Yamaguchi Tadashi
"Father, you must have known that I would never agree to this! You know I have a soulmate somewhere in this world!" You yell, holding up your hand with the red string attached to it.

"I don't care what you agree with! You will be marrying the lord by the end of the month! Now, off to your room!" He yells loudly while making a shooing motion with his hand. You glare at the man before spinning around and slamming the door behind you. The staff, all but one, avoid you as you storm the halls to your room.

"What's got you mad (F/n)?" Tooru, your personal butler asks. You roll your eyes and turn the corner of the hall, spotting the door to your room. Throwing it open in relief, you forget about the thing following you.



You throw the door closed and run straight to your closet. Taking a large blue bag, as well as a small purse, you begin to pack many different outfits into them. After filling the suitcase to the brim you pack the purse with a small amount of essentials and set them off to the side for nighttime. Time flys by quickly as you gather things, and to have something to do you settle down and read a book. Tooru flocks into the room at some point, nit picking about everything that's out of order before leaving the room as loudly as he entered. Soon enough the moon hangs in the sky, making you rise from your spot and gather your things.

You open the window and set your bags outside before climbing out yourself. The cool wind flows around you and the stars twinkle above you. You silently make your way to the stables and gently hang your bags on your horses saddle. You climb onto the horse slowly and pat (H/n)'s head, signaling her/him to start running.

Air whips around you as you fly through the night, following the red string tied around your wrist. It runs in a straight line across the ground, undisturbed until now. After traveling for many hours you come across the opening of a forest. You get off of your horse and pat her/him gently on the head before moving on foot. The string weaves throughout the trees, so you follow it diligently. You stumble upon a clearing with a small cabin. You go around the cabin and continue to walk only to be tugged backwards. You frown in confusion and move forward again, only to get the same results. You wander back to the front of the cabin and step to the front door.

"Kei Tsukishima?" You mutter, eyeing the gold lettering on the door. Your gentle knocking echoes throughout the home, and the door is opened by a tall blonde man.

"What." He says gruffly. Your eyebrows raise in surprise at the mans rudeness.

"I'm following my string and it goes straight through your cabin." You say hesitantly. The man sneers at you.

"You can't go around?"

"I've tried, but I keep getting tugged here." You say with a shrug. The man studies you before signing and moving back.

"You sound like someone I know, following that soulmate nonsense. Now come in, you're letting my heat out." He says with a grunt. You enter the small home and look around. A fireplace and many bookshelves sit everywhere, and holy moly your string is tangled everywhere. You wander around the room and the man disappears. The amount of red is almost sickening, and you brush the strings off of a picture frame.

"Hey! Who's this gu-?"

"Tsukki, I'm back! I brought more things from town!" You hear a soft male voice yell. You turn around quickly and the male enters the room. He looks at you and tilts his head in confusion.

"Who are you?" He asks. You sweat nervously and chuckle.

"Um, I'm (F/n)?" You say, lifting up a hand in greeting. He gasps loudly and rushes forward. You jump in surprise and back away, causing you to trip and fall onto a couch. The male stands over you and grabs your hand.

"You're my soulmate!" He says loudly while inspecting your wrist. Your eyebrows shoot up and you yell loudly.

"You're the guy from the picture I was looking at!" You say with a wide smile and a blush. Upon further inspection the male is quite adorable, with a bunch of freckles and fluffy looking hair.

"I guess I am?" He says while offering you a hand. You take it and he lifts you up with a little to much power. You bump into his chest lightly, causing the two of you to turn red.

"I-I'm (F/n) (L/n). W-What's your name?"

"Tadashi Yama-Yamaguchi." He says with a slight stutter.

"So I see you two have met." The tall blonde named Tsukki says as he enters. The two of you fly apart from each other and stare at the ground.

"He's my soulmate." You say while pointing to the freckled male. The blonde looks surprised before a small frown settles on his face.

"So that means I have to deal with you for the rest of my life?" He says with irritation while looking at you.

"So you're telling us you're a princess?" Kei asks sarcastically. You nod your head at him and he gets up from his chair. You and Tadashi look at him in confusion before he grabs you by the wrist and drags you to the front door.

"T-Tsukki what are you doing?" Tadashi says worriedly.

"Yeah what are you doing Kei?" You say with irritation.

"There's no way in hell I'm getting arrested for harboring a runaway princess. Get out."

———Extra Extra———
"(F/n)~!" Tooru sings while throwing open your door. He frowns upon seeing the room empty and wanders around to look for you. Laying on your desk he finds a piece of paper, and he screeches after he reads it's contents.

Dear Tooru, as I assume this is who will be reading this,

I have gone to track down my soulmate since my father thinks it's ok to marry me to some other man. I will be back whenever I come back, though it honestly may be never. I love you lots, and make sure to take care of my room in the meantime! Or, if you wanna know where I went, just follow the 'trail' I left!


Well that was fun!

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