|06| Hanamaki Takahiro |Writing|

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I've just realized that i've achieved 1k reads. Thanks I guess. I mean, I really don't know what to say~ I personally don't think it's good, but I didn't necessarily come here to keep people entertained. I came here to let out my artistic frustrations. I am happy to keep people entertained though ;D.

In this, you are out of high school. In fact, you've been in college for 3 years and are on vacation. Hanamaki has been there for 4 years, making him your senpai by 1 year. He is also on a break.

Physical contact gives you instant access to their name, age, etc. But the writing does not transfer anymore.

I could not find a single quote for this amazing 3rd year, and It frustrated me to no end. He's my favorite from Seijoh and I should have gotten around to writing this earlier, but it's here now :P.
You sigh as you look at the wall of your dorm. Half of your holiday break is over. The first half was spent partying with Hajime, who was currently your roommate. You had accidentally signed up for co-ed dorms, resulting in you meeting a certain spiky haired brunette. As angry as he could get, you couldn't deny that you held a special love for him. You have been sharing a dorm with him for 3 years after all!

But anyway, lets swivel back to your current predicament. Ah, yes, you were bored. Not just bored, it wasn't that simply explained. You are extremely bored. Insanely bored. Monumentally bored. You would talk to your soulmate, but alas, they've decided to go incognito for the last 4 1/2 years. You guys used to talk nonstop in high school, exchanging excellent places to find memes, helping each other cheat on exams. But they just disappeared at the end of your 2nd year! Just poof! Gone! Like they never existed! You'd write on your hand and arm nonstop, even going as far as drawing a cartoon d*ck on your forehead and hiding it with your hair! Interestingly enough, you went to go look at your forehead in the bathroom and saw that it was quite smudged. You had grunted in satisfaction before outlining the picture in permanent marker. You sauntered out of the bathroom with your hair neatly laid over your forehead before going on with your day.

Of course, you've felt quite lonely without him, but you'd live right? Your an independent woman! You don't need no man! (Make sure to say that sassily. It sounds better 😂)  As you were snapping your fingers in a sassy way Hajime opens the door to your dorm, alerting you to his return. You walk to the front door to welcome him back from his classes. It was great to see him so lively and refreshed since he dropped volleyball! He had dropped it during his 3rd year of college, which was your second. His friends had all dropped volleyball in their second years and apparently were trying to start a band. Hajime finally yielded after a year and joined, and the band was actually quite popular. You could never quite remember their name though, resulting in Hajime having to constantly remind you.

"Hey (F/n), we're doing a show at Oikawas college. The rest of the band already goes there, so I've got a 2 1/2 hour drive to get there." Hajime complained. You knew of Oikawa, since he was Hajimes soulmate, but you didn't know anyone else in the band as you had never gone to one of his shows. He held up a ticket to their concert and set it on the counter. Ah, that's what there and was called. UnStable.

"Here's a ticket if you want to come. It starts at 10(pm), and it's 12(am) now. I need to get over there and practice. You have more than enough time to decide if you wanna come or not. Text me if you do come." Hajime states as he grabs his keys and guitar and leaves the dorm. You sigh in boredom as the room goes silent once more. You didn't want to go to the show, you were to lazy. If you wanted you could just go with Hajime and watch them practice, but then again, you're to lazy. You could just live with your memes. But those haven't been the best since your soulmate stopped recommending them.

"Hmph. I don't need you anyway you asshole..." you mutter under your breath as you make your way to the kitchen to hunt for food. Reaching the cabinets was quite hard since they were built really high, so you climb the counter to get to the stash of snacks. You pull out a bag of honey butter chips (These are one of my personal favorite snacks, along with Pockys. Change it if you like I guess??) and begin to snack on them. You hum a song that Hajime made you listen to more than enough as you make your way to your room. The bright light of your phone was the only thing keeping you awake as you scrolled through Instagram, Tumblr, Snapchat, Pinterest, and so on. Your head plops onto your pillow as you sigh in irritation. Sleep starts sounding better and better each second that passes, and soon enough your eyes close. Blackness swirls across your vision, along with the occasional odd snippet of a dream. Oddly enough, you start to feel a scratching sensation on your arm.

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