|03| Akaashi Keiji |First Words|

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The emotion your soulmate feels at the time is the font the words are in.

"We'll let you have the good part, so make your comeback already, ace!" - Akaashi Keiji
You hum quietly while picking at your lunch. (Bf/n) sits next to you talking animatedly. You hear words every now and then, but you can't bring yourself to care. Turning your head to look out of the class window, you see a large group of people stroll past. Every one of them has on a jersey so you assume they are practicing for some sport. You glance around the group of people before your eyes meet ones that are dark blue. He slows down slightly and falls behind the group until someone calls out to him, completely breaking the moment. You hum before turning back around. Oh, if only you didn't turn around.

Your eyes lock with (Bf/n)'s, and you instantly look down. (Bf/n) pouts at you before looking away. Sighing, you look up at (Bf/n) and ask the dreaded question.

"What?" You ask hesitantly. She looks at you in surprise before breaking out into a wide grin.

"Akaashi Keiji is what." She states matter of factly while winking. You look at her in confusion, to which she replies with a smirk.

"Akaashi Keiji?" You ask doubtfully, the name registering without a face. Having transferred in your 3rd and last year, you didn't know many people.

"THE Akaashi Keiji! The one running for Vice President for his 3rd year?" (Bf/n) exclaims. She then proceeds to pull out a volleyball magazine with him in it. You study the picture before looking back at your lunch. You had to admit, he was quite pretty. He also had a way with words. But in all honesty, he didn't interest you very much. He was too... emotionless?

"Ah." You mutter while squinting at the picture of the dark haired male.

"What is it (F/n)?"

"This is the kid that always quietly follows Kou..." You mutter lowly. (Bf/n) asks you to repeat the question but you wave her away in favor of studying the harsh writing on your wrist.

Excuse me Senpai, at least I was looking where I was going!

The words are written in thin black ink against your (s/c) skin. It has a very intense look to it, sort of like impatience and irritation.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Your friend asks curiously. You look up at her before your eyes go to your wrist again. Slowly, you lift your arm up for her to see. She gasps dramatically before looking back at you.

"Dude, you really are a clutz!" She says loudly, attracting the attention of others. You shush her and look back down at your lunch. You hear the pages of the volleyball magazine turning and sigh with relief. Subject avoided. Only to be replaced with a more dreaded question.

"Hey, how about we go to the volleyball game after school today?"


Akaashi walks down the hallway after lunch, thinking about the girl he locked eyes with. Her eyes were a shining (e/c). He sighs while looking at the writing that goes up his arm.

The hell? Do you have a problem? Don't glare at your senpais like that.

Said words were written in very thick, rough cursive. The words on his wrist had always confused him. Why would a senpai say that to him, when he never disrespects anyone? ESPECIALLY his senpais. He even respects Bokuto-san.

Akaashi doesn't exactly care for finding his soulmate anyway. Most of the girls that follow him around were all just there for his volleyball skills and looks. The male sighs again and continues walking to his class.

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