|26| Azumane Asahi |Name|

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You know, you have each others names somewhere on your body.

I hope ya'll like green tea lattes. Also, I'm determining your age in this because I don't want a 25 year old Asahi dating like, a 13 year old lol.

(f/a) - Favorite Animal

(y/h) - Your Height


The crowd for the book signing stands in a winding line leading outside. You, being a big fan of the author, got there quite early. It's their first book signing, the first time anyone is to see the famed author Manehi Azu. Having chose to keep himself anonymous he even goes by a pen name. You hug your favorite book written by him to your chest as you watch a tall man with long hair walk across the room. He settles himself in the chair before waving the first person to him. Some girls look at the male in confusion; others with looks of slight fear. Though there are quite a few, you included, who stare at the male with hearts practically swirling around their heads. You'd describe him as quite the handsome man! Nothing gets better than a good looking, intelligent man. So as the line gets shorter and you get closer and closer to your favorite author, you become increasingly nervous.

You finally stand in front of the man, sweating bullets as he looks up at you expectantly. He sticks his hand out and you hand him the book stiffly.

"Ah, this was one of my favorite books to write." He says while staring at the cover almost fondly. You squeak and he looks up at you in confusion.

"T-That is m-my favorite book!" You say, cursing yourself for stuttering while you try to maintain a smile. He offers you a small smile before flipping to the first page and grabbing his pen.

"So, what is your name?"

"(L/n) (F/n)!" You say, thanking the gods you didn't stutter. He freezes, pen just over the page, before looking up at you. You look down at him in confusion and his eyes shoot back down to the book and he scribbles onto the front page. His face flushes and he shuts the book before handing it back to you. "Have a g-good day (L/n)-san!"

"Y-You too Manehi-san!" You say with a wave. You walk to the exit and make your way back to your apartment. When you get into the cozy warmth of your home you yell happily, face completely flushed while hugging the book. You flip to the front page, happiness painted across your face.

I'm incredibly glad you enjoy my books (L/n)-san!

Azumane Asahi

Scribbled right beneath his name is a number and a heart. You drop the book as soon as you read it. Azumane Asahi, the same name tattooed in black on your back, signed by your favorite author. Many minutes pass with you staring at the book sitting on your carpeted floors. You pick it up slowly and stare at the writing. The handwriting, in perfect loopy cursive, matches your tattoo perfectly. You set the book down and weigh your options. You could call now, but he's most likely still doing the book signing. So, you decide to wait.

A few hours pass and you pick up the book. You dial the number hesitantly and hold the phone up to your ear with bated breaths.

"...Hello?" The phone slips out of your hand and falls to the ground. You sit there for a second before realizing there's someone on the line waiting for you to respond. You scramble to grab it and try to calm your breathing when you finally have it up to your ear again.

"H-H-Hello?!" You stutter into the phone, "I-Is this Azumane Asahi?"

"Y-Yes, how did you get my number?!" He asks in a frightened voice. You freeze before a small laugh escapes you. "This is (L/n) (F/n)."

Silence on the other end. Then the sound of beeping. You look at your phone in confusion and see the call ended. The number suddenly pops up again and you pick up the phone call.

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean to end the call!" He yells in a panicked voice. You laugh a little, suddenly a little more calm when you realize he's just as nervous. You could almost describe the male as adorable, if he weren't such a giant.

"It's alright Azumane-san."

"S-So this is (L/n) (F/n)?" He asks, but then sighs loudly, "Why am I asking that? You already said who you are..."

Silence settles over the line, the only sound being the occasional sound of static.

"So...?" You hear him gasp quietly before he clears his throat, "U-Um, do you maybe want to meet up and talk about... You know, our situation...?" He asks hesitantly.

You nod before realizing that he can't see you. "That would be great Azumane-san, where at?"

"How about that coffee shop right next to the place I did the signing? In like, twenty minutes?"

"That's perfect, see you then." A loud beep makes you pull your phone away from your ear. You stare at the screen, the digits of his number flashing across it. With a few quick swipes you add him as a contact, setting his name as Azumane Asahi.

"No, wait! I've got it, not so much adorable as..." You quickly tap in a new contact name with a small smile on your face, "A Gentle Giant."


You walk into the coffee shop and do a quick survey of the front. A smile comes onto your face when you see the large build of Asahi slumped forward over his phone. The smile quickly vanishes when he looks up though, instantly replaced by a roaring blush. With quick steps you're standing in front of the table, then sitting in the seat right across from him. He shoots you a smile before looking down at the table top with a blush.

"W-What do you want t-to drink?" He asks nervously. You look at the board at the front of the shop before picking a drink out.

"A large green tea latte p-please!" You smile at him. His face flushes an even darker red and he gets up, almost tripping over another chair. "Alright, I'll b-be right back!"

"He's so cute..." You mutter under your breath while watching him scramble to the front. He orders the drinks and when he comes to bring them back he almost drops them. He sits down with a small smile and slides your drink over to you.

"So..." He says while looking at his hands. His face is still adorably red and you smile while staring at him.

"So?" You say with a small smile. You watch his face flush more and he starts fiddling with his hands. Incoherent words come out of his mouth and you laugh slightly. Though he may be incredibly awkward you're oddly comfortable around him. You get the feeling that even though he may be absolutely terrible at handling social interactions you'd still find yourself at home with him.

"How about we start here, I'm (L/n) (F/n). My favorite color is (f/c) and I love (f/a). I'm (y/h) and I'm 24. It's a pleasure to meet you and please take care of me!"

"A-Ah! Take care of me too p-please!"



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