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"Oh no, I'm late!" Freddy says, swallowing the last of his melted froyo.

"What do you mean?" I say.

"Tomika and I are practicing for the extreme skating competition," he said,"I did tell you about it."

"Yeah, you did, more than 20 times,"I say.

"I was supposed to meet Tomika at the skate park like 15 min ago... you don't mind me leaving, right?" he says.

"Nope, it's totally fine," I say, throwing on a fake smile.

"You're not doing that thing where you lie about being fine, right?" he said.

"Noooo," I say, and he smiles.

"Thank,  babe," he kisses my cheek and leaves.

Now a day he keeps on hanging out with Tomika. Not that I'm jealous or anything. I-I'm glad they're friends and all, but they are always hanging out now that they entered themselves into that skating thing. Don't get me wrong again, guys. I'm NOT jealous at all!! Nope, not

I pick up my little bag and leave a tip on the table for whoever finds it first and make my way out the door.

I find myself walking in the direction of the skate park. I take oit my phone and call the one person that would help me.
"Hey Zack."

"Hey Sum whats up?"he says.

"No time to explain. Just get to the skate park asap and meet me behind the big tree," I say, running behind the big tree with the amazing view of Freddy and Tomika.

"I'm not helping you spy on those two again, am I?"

"No, don't be crazy," I say.

"Nope, I'm not doing it," he says.


"Fine, fine, I'm almost there!" he says, and the line goes dead.

I keep my eyes on the two, but after a while, it got boring.

"I'm here!" Zack shoes up next to me, all tired.

"Took you long enough," I say.

"Well, my car got stuck and -"

"I don't care, just watch," I say, watching Freddy walk to Tomika and put his hands on her shoulders and then her waist.
"Look!" I say.

Zack rolls his eyes.
"He's just teaching her a move," he says.

"Yes, but why must he touch her like that?"

"Because he's- Summer there's obviously nothing to be worried about. Let's leave," I sigh, then get up.
"Fine, let's go," then we leave, making sure they don't see us, of course.

Freddy's pov
Tomika turns to me.

"You saw Summer and Zack hiding behind that tree to right? Now they're walking away?" I look to where she was pointing.

"Yep, I saw them," I say, then we both shrug and go back to practicing.
(AN_Hey people it is Sam here and so so sorry for the wait it is exam time here and i actually have to study, but i got my data today so I'm gonna upload when i can! )

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