1K 14 7

Hey this is no chaper and I'm sorry about that. We are driving so I can't really type at the moment, but I honestly have to thank you guys so much.

Thank you so so much for reading this book! I have reached 1.64k reads! Thank you so fricken much! I know it might not seem like a lot to some people but to me it means the whole fricken world! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

I really didn't think anyone would read this book so to see the 1.64k reads really makes me happy so thank you so much and I will try to update really really soon once we get to our destination and I get over my killer headache. Little note about me, I have car sickness...that's fun....not.

But yeah that's what I wanted to say.
(I honestly don't know how I'm typing this in a moving car😄 I'm so stupid sometimes)

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Love Sam🌹🌹✨✨
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*Instagram____Samrynmuller(or you can type in SparkleGlitterFace)


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