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"Mom, please, I know you're angry, but please listen," I beg fastening my seatbelt.

"What? You know that I wanted you to focus on your education and you do this. Wait, let me refrase. You've been doing this for years!"she says, starting the car.

"Mom, please listen. This makes me happy. I've found a different part of myself, and being this band's manager has been the best, and my grades haven't been dropping at all. Mom, I'm finally good at something other than school. Mom, I can play the drums, and I can write a decent song," I tell my mom, and I see her soften.

Then she turns to me and places her hand on my cheek, and then she kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry, I was just so mad that you lied about all of this. You know that I want you to become the president one day....I just became crazy, go back to class," she opens my door and I hug her and jump out of the car.

I ran to the classroom.
"Hey guys," I say, then Tomika runs to me.

"What happened?" she asked.

"My mom and I had a chat, and I think we finally understand each other," I say.

"So you're still in the band, right?" Mr. Finn says.

"Yeah I we just have to talk to you're father because I know it's not your mom that is making you move away with Eden," I say and she nods and pull away from the hug.

"My father freaked out big time, and I don't know why. I should probably just go and talk to him because my dad has a zero lie policy," Tomika says.

"My mother was mad about the fact I lied, but we talked, and she's just happy I'm so invested in something and that I'm happy," Freddy says.

"Thank you for reminding us about your perfect kind and understanding, mother," Zack says.

"Lawrence, what does your mom know?" I ask.

"Yeah, but she's just happy I'm not a total nerd," he says happily.

"My dad said that I can still be in the band only if I transfer schools," Zack says. We all nod.

"So the band isn't totally over forever and ever," I say.

"True," Tomika says, crossing her arms.

"Let's invite our parents to Saturday's gig. They'll see us perform, and that would totally make them realize how much we love this and how good we are," I say.

"Then we better get workin' guys," Mr. Finn says, and we all cheer and run down to the studio. We have something to prove now...things are going to change.

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