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Saturday finally arrived, and it was the day of the big competition. Tomika isn't here yet. I know she will show up, but I am still worried, you know.

"Where is Tomika?" Luka asks. He was another guy on our team.

"She'll be here any second," I say, then I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I spin around, and I am face to face with a Tomika I almost didn't recognize. Her hair was a lot shorter and her tips were blue! It looked freaken awesome!

"Stop staring," she says, and that was enough to snap me out of my thoughts.

"'s go sign in," I say, and I walk ahead to the sign in table.

The event starts, and we start round one. I can see Eden giving us the stink eye from the corner, but we just ignore her.

We actually go on to the last round, and surprisingly, it is a female round.

"Tomika, you got this," I tell her.

"Yeah," she says, nodding, hopping slightly. It's probably the adrenaline.

"Go killem and win this," I place my hands on her shoulders, and she freezes.

"I will," she says, and she smiles at me, and I smile back.

I had no doubt that she would win this, but when she got that perfect score, it all became real. We actually won!

"We won!!" I hug her tight, and she hugs me back.

"Uhm..." we pull away things getting a little awkward.

"Tomika, I am so sorry," I say, and she is about to say something, but we got mobbed by our friends and the other teammates.

When it was all over, I had to go home to get my clothes for tonight, and I drove straight to Tomika's house.

"Freddy?" she says surprised, stepping out, closing the door behind her.

"Today might be the last day I see you, and I don't want to possibly leaving and things are the way they are," I say.

"Okay, talk," she says.

"I am so sorry, Tomika. I'm sorry I picked sides and that I made you feel like I didn't trust you and I am sorry if I hurt your feelings in any way I would never hurt you on purpose," I say and I cup her face in my hands.

"I know I don't deserve this, but could you please forgive me?" I say, and she's quiet, then she speaks.

"Yeah, but I am still gonna make you pay. This is gonna be the last time I'm fogiving you so easily okay," she says, and I just give her a goofy smile, and I kiss her.

I won't even try to describe what this feels like. Nothing can describe the happiness I feel right now.

"We need to get to the concert hall to get ready for tonight," Tomika says when we pull away.

"Oh yeah, I'll give you a ride come on," I say, and we run to my car, and we are off to the hall. I look at Tomika. I hope her father sees how happy this makes her and accepts that she loves the band and lets her stay.

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