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I watch her walk out. My heart is beating rapidly, and the knot in my throat is becoming too big for me to swallow.

"Mika..." Freddy says, then he wipes away my tears. I didn't even realize I'm crying, but I couldn't let him think I'm crying.

"I'm not crying by the way I have this weird cold that makes my eyes leak," I say, folding my arms over my chest.
"Stop acting tuff," he says, hugging me.

"Can I have a 20-second girly time?" I ask.

He pulls away and takes out his phone to set the timer.
"Go for it."

"I just lost my best friend. She hates me now. We aren't going to be the last besties on earth when the zombies take over. I HAVE NOBODY LEFT!" I say.

"Your time is up, but Tomika, you don't have nobody," he says.

"Oh Freddy," I place my hand on his shoulder."Yes, I do have nobody. You knew when you stepped into this relationship that you'll always be number 3," I say.

He looks at me puzzled,"Who's one and two?"

"I already told you this. One candy, of course, and two is Summer," I say, and he rolls his eyes.

"Do you want a hug?" he asks.
"Yeah..." I throw myself into his arms.

"This was very entertaining," we hear Lola's voice. Lola is the owner of the music stores daughter.

"This never happened," I say sternly, and she gives me a double thumbs up.

"Let me take you home.  I'm guessing Summer was your ride," he says, and I nod. I hope Freddy drove his car here because I do not feel like riding at the back of his bike.

"Do you have your car here?" I ask when he came back from the back with my bag.

"Yes, I do, Lola. I'll be back in 30 mins," he tells her.

"Okay!" she says, unpacking the box with our CDs in it.

When we got to my house we went straight to my tree house room. Yes I live in a tree house sometimes....all the times.

"You sure you don't want me to stay?" Freddy asked, and I got off the beanbag chair I was sitting on.

"Go back to work. I'll be fine," I say, then he puts his arms around me, leans down, and kisses me, and it all made sense.

Why I lied about my relationship in the first place. Why I was so scared to lose him. Why I'm risking my friendship. This feeling....

Oh my gosh, I just sounded like a total girl, didn't I?

My arms snake around his neck, and his one hand tangles itself in my hair, and the other one keeps a firm grip on my waist.

"You need to go," I say between kisses.
He starts up my nose to my forehead and then down to smooch my cheek.

"Freddy," I giggle...oh ny god, I GIGGLED!

"See you," he says and leaves. I start to feel lonely, and it sinks in that I might have lost Summer.

Prom is tomorrow night, and School of Rock is performing.

"Hey," I spun around to see my mom and Freddy's mother sitting at the garden table drinking tee. I didn't even notice that they were sitting there. They must've seen everything! Oh no...

"Hey Mrs Huerta..." I say through the little window ...kill me now. My mother and Freddy's mother just saw us kiss like that. Karma is a rude monster.

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