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We came clean about everything. All the years of lies.
"Please don't kick us out or something," Mr Finn begs.

"I can't do that, I myself listen to School of Rock," she says.

"Soo..." I say.

"You're not in trouble, and you can keep you studio, but Mr Finn, you and I need to have a talk about the whole fake teacher thing," she says and walks out of class.

"Yeah!" we all cheer and high five.
I was about to hug Tomika, but Zack spoke up.

"Don't kiss, please," he pleads.

I see T smirk, and I lean down to kiss her, but Lawrence stands between us, causing us to kiss his cheek.
"Gross dude!" I wipe my mouth, and so does Tomika.

"We have a gig Saturday," Summer says, getting off her phone.

"Our skating competition is this Saturday, Summer," I say.

"Our gig only starts at 7, and your competition ends at 3, so there's no problem," she says, and I nod.

"Perfect then," Tomika says, and I can't help but notice her new coat of lip gloss shining on her lips. What? I'm just a boy.

"Guys, the mob is gone. Let's go to the studio," Lawrence says, and we start moving out, but I pull Tomika back.

"We are doing something tonight, birthday girl," I say, pecking her lips.

"What?" she says, exited.

"It's a secret," I say, kissing her again.

"You kiss me too much," Tomika says with fake irritation.

"I know, I know I'm sorry.....not," I say, and we walk to the studio.

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