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We did our sound check and went backstage to our dressing room.

"Tonight is the first night of many," Mr. Finn says,"Tonight, we are gonna rock harder than ever. There are more than five hundred people here tonight, and a bunch of them are your parents. Tomika, Zack tonight is for you two," Mr. Finn says, and we all group hug.

When we got on stage, the lights were blinding, and we were actually just an opening act of a function it felt like this was our own show.

"Hey guys!" I said over the microphone.
Everyone cheered.

"Are you ready to rock!?" I asked, and they cheered louder.

"1, 2, 3, 4!" Freddy counted us in, and we started to rock.

I walk outside and I my father waiting for me.
"I'm so proud of you, Tomika," he says, and we hug.

I get to stay here. He actually said that I get to stay! When I got home I ran straight to my tree house. The light was off, and then I turned it on, and inside was Freddy waiting for me.

"Dude, what are you doing here?" I ask, sitting next to him on my bed.

"I wanted to see you. You left so fast," he says, and our fingers interlock.

"Sorry, my dad and I talked, and then we just drove home," I say.


"I'm staying," I say, and he jumped up.

"Yes!!" he says.

"Shhhh, no one knows you're up here," I say, then he sits back on the bed.

"Tomika I-I love you," he says, and my heart does a back flip.

"I love you too," I say, and he leans in, and so do I, and we kiss.

It was warm and sweet and everything was great. His lips moving against mine pushed me into a trance. Everything around disappeared, and it was just him and him alone.

The kiss deepend, and his grip around my waist got tighter then...
"Hey Mika, are you still awak- oh, you are gonna get it!" My brother says then he blows his special whistke signaling for my dad and brothers to come.

"Run," I tell him and pull my brother into the tree house, making a passage for Freddy to go through and out of my tree house so that he can run.

"He's on the run!" My brother calls my father, and they run after him, and I laugh.

I love my life

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