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(Still Tomika's pov)

We moved the party to the roof around half past 11.

"I'll go get the ice cream cake," my mother said, going to fetch the cake.

"You're almost 18!!" Summer says, hooking out arms.

"Don't look at me like that Huerta you turned 18 in December already," I say rolling my eyes," and you turn 18 last month," I tell Summer.

"I know, but our little Tomeeks is turning 18 now," Summer says, pinching my cheeks.

"Let's jam," Mr Finn says, picking up the guitar, and we sang a bunch of songs.

My mom, dad, and brothers came up to the roof with the ice cream cake. I looked at Lawrence and Esmae being all couply.. Aww.

"5," Zack started.
"4!" Mr Finn yells.
"3!" my parents say.
"2!" Kale says.
"1!" Summer yells, exited, and I check my phone. It's midnight, and I am 18 years old.

"Happy birthday, Tomika!!!" everyone yells.

We cut the cake and each of us gets a slice then my mom got up to leave dragging my brothers and my dad along because they "didn't want to leave me alone with good hair over there".

"¡Feliz cumpleaños Tomika. Te quiero con todo mi corazón," Freddy whispers into my ear while hugging me, then he kisses me.

"Eeew," everyone starts pelting us with pillows.

"My cake!" I yell because my cake fell off the roof!!

"Tomika, calm down," Kale says, laughing, placing another slice in a plastic bowl for me.

"Thank you," I say, picking up the whole entire cake and got up, running downstairs to the fun room.

"Hey!!" I heard footsteps, and before I knew it I being chased.
After we stopped running, we ate the rest of the cake, and we went to the pool bed and instantly fell asleep.

Somewhere in the middle of the night, I yelt a poke.

"Tomika, are you asleep?" Kale asks.

"Yes," I say sleepy.

"Why is Freddy floating on a lilo?" she says, and I sit up a little too rough because I rocked the bed a little. Freddy was floating away on a lilo.

"My brothers," I say and go back to sleep. How did they get in on that thing anyway? I don't care g'night.

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