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(Still her pov)

Believe it or not, prom was actually pretty awesome. For once, I loved a dance at this school (not only because school of rock performed) but because there were bowls and bowls of goodies! I almost died. Summer lived in the photo taking corner, and when she was shooed away from that one, she went to the other one. Freddy was prom king (not so surprised) and Summer and Kale, both won prom queen, School of Rock performed, and you know, killed it... even if it was undercover. People even started to ask for autographs. Then we got dressed again into our prom outfits and danced. Well, not me, I was at the never-ending goodies.

"Are you having fun?" Freddy asks after dancing with both the queens. I was eating pudding.

"Yes, very," I say with a smile on my face.

"Let's go dance," he says, taking my hand, and I sigh, kicking my heels under the table...what? If I'm gonna dance, I'm gonna be comfy.

When we got to the dance floor, it was a slow song.

" It's a slow song," I say.

"I know," he takes me by my hips, and we start to sway.

I decide to step on his toes because I'm am so scared that he is gonna step on my poor toes. Perks of being tiny, you know.

"Tonight was awesome," I say, snaking my arms around his neck, and then I felt something on my head.
"What is it?"

"Summer put her crown on your head,"he says to me, and I just smile.

"You're so short," he lifts me up by my waist, so we're face to face.

"You're so short," I say.

"You're not gonna kiss me, aren't you?" I , say, and he just smiles and kisses me.

My whole body becomes warm and tingly, and I know he's all I want. For some reason, all the soppy gross love songs make sense to me. All this stuff I'm saying is so un me and gross I'm so worried that I won't vom.

I hear a sound that sounds like a camera going off.

"Why Summer?" I ask irritated.

"Because it was the perfect picture time," she says, and I let it slide because tonight is great, and I can't let a silly picture ruin it.

(The next day)

There was a harsh knock on the door the next morning.
Who knocks on someone's door on a Sunday this early?

I look at the time, it's 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I stand up, and I slump out of my room.

"Mom!" I call out through the house, but there was no one here. She must be gone somewhere.

The killer knocks continue, and I open the door.

"WHAT!" I yell.
"Your prom pictures," Summer hands me a digital photo frame.

"You waste your money and time," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Go get dressed so we can go to the mall and get lunch," she says.

"No, you leave, and I sleep," I groan and try to close the door, but she slips inside.

"Your boyfriend is gonna be there..." she says

"I don't care," I ran to my room and jumped in my bed.

"GO TO THE BATHROOM NOW!" I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom.

When I got out of the bathroom, my bed was made, and Summer had already laid my outfit on my bed.

"Get dressed," she said.

"I'll get dressed because I want to get dressed..." I mutter under my breath. I got dressed into a black tanktop and a red check shirt with my black skinny jeans.

"Where are my sneakers?" I ask, and she points to my bed, and I put them on.

"Off to the mall," she runs out, and I put my hair in a ponytail, grab my phone, and run after her.

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