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I ran all the way to the music store where Freddy started to work on the weekends.

"Hey T," he greets me from behind the counter.

"H-Hey," I say out of breath.

"What's up?" he says, picking up a box and opening it.

"Nothing much...just wanted to check the new stock you told me about," I say.

"Here it is - Oh my gosh," he says, shocked.

"What?" I ask.

"C'mere," I walked over to him, and he took out the CDs.

"Oh my gosh," I cover my mouth with my hand and pick up a CD.

The cover was like a green chalkboard you would find in a class and written on top of it in white was School of Rock. Our mock debut album got out somehow.

"Oh, do you like your pictures?" he asks, and I look at him in disbelief.

"Our mock album is in this music store, and you are asking about the pictures?" I say.

"Yes, where is it?" he asks.

"In my bag, just don't touch-and you already touched the bag," I say.

"It's not here," he says.

"Impossible," I say, grabbing the bag digging through it," Oh no," I say, and I run and hide under a shelf.


"Shhhhhh, don't say my name. Hide my bag and pretend I'm not here!" I say.

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