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"And Freddy gave me this look and picked her side without even listening to me. He pulled me aside and started scolding me like, "Who does he think he is!" I finish explaining the evens of last night to Summer.

Let me break it down. Last night, Freddy stayed over for dinner, and guess who joined? That is right... Eden. 

They talked as if they were the only two in the room, and it was like I was the stupid cousin. My parents were out by the way and my brothers that is why I thought Freddy and I could be alone, but Eden made her appearance and at the end of the night words were said and Freddy and I are having our biggest fight ever because Eden went to my room to use my charger for her phone and she came back with her "lucky bracelet" broken in her hands and she claims she found it on my floor. She blamed me for breaking it, and Freddy chose her side!

"Just talk to him," Summer says as we walk down the stairs entering the building.

"No, this is not my fault. Eden was faking the whole time, and he dared pick sides!" I say, feeling a fire start inside me. To say I am mad about this whole situation is an understatement.

"Tomika, maybe you two just misunderstood each other. Like me and Asher always misunderstand each other when we are arguing, and when we cool of we talk it out and things are fine," she says.

"Summer, when you are mad, you talk too fast, and you only hear what you want to hear. Ever since Eden came, Freddy and I have been arguing more and more by the day," I say, opening my locker taking out my math book.

"What, that's impossible. You guys are all cute when you're together at school," she says.

"I know, but that times we have cooled off, and things are sort of okay, but I swear anything can tick us off, especially something Eden related," I say, then the bell rings.

When I got into class, it was like the room was divided into two. One side mine with the people on my side and the other side Freddy's with people on his side.

"Good and morning class, and what on earth is going on here?" he asks.

"Freddy is a stupid idiot who picks sides," I say.

"And Tomika is an overreacting brat who doesn't think of anyone, but her self," he says.

"I didn't do it!" I yell, getting up from my seat.

"Oh come on, Tomika, you've hated her this whole time, and we all know it, and then her lucky bracelet is found broken in your room. How immature can you be?" he says.

"Why won't you believe me? I didn't do it. You never listen to me," I say.

"And I never accused you in the first place," he says.

"You picked her side before we even talked!"

"I didn't pick her side. You never listen to me!" he yells.

"You never listen to me or do anything that makes sense like arguing with me," I say.

"Oh, so this argument doesn't make sense!?" he says.

"Guys, let's all calm down," Summer tries to chip in, but I cut her off.

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense because any fool can see that you've wanted Eden since she got here, so today is your lucky day. You can have her because we are done!" I say, and I sit back down by my desk.

This unfamiliar cloud stretches over the room, and it finally sunk in. I just broke up with Freddy. After everything, it's ended like this... it's over.

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