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(___THE NEXT DAY___)

Summer called me last night. She was a mess, thanks to Freddy actually breaking up with her. She didn't want to come to school this morning, but I had to go to school after my horrible break up with Zack, so she I dragged her sad butt to school.

We were first in class, so nobody was there yet, and thank god nobody was there... Summer looks like a mess.
"Do I look bad?" she asked, and I looked at her makeup smudged face. Her mascara was everywhere.

"Nope, you look awesome," I said, giving her my best smile and a thumbs up.

"Are you lying, Tomika?" she asked.

"I'm gonna go get you some wet wipes. You look like a bride that got dumped on her wedding day," I say, leaving the room in a hurry to get the wipes.

We have like 15 min before the bell rings. Time is not on our side, people.

I start playing with Tomika's phone to get my mind off the horrible feelings that I am feeling. I type in her password and go to her pictures. I quickly go back to her wallpaper. It was a picture of her and Freddy at the beach with their guitars, and then the picture changed to a pic of me. Wait... when did Tomeeks and Freddy go to the beach.

I go into her gallery again, and I see a new folder. "Skater freaks"
I entered it, and it was filled with pictures of her and Freddy. I knew they were close, but I honestly didn't think they were that close.

The first picture is a pic of Freddy, and my heart hurts....Freddy. Then the next one is them at The Pancake Hut, eating what seems like a tower of pancakes, and the next one is of them at his 18th birthday party last year. Freddy's birthday was the 31st of December.

Tomika comes in with the wipes.
"Tomeeks, why are there so many pictures of Freddy on your phone?" I ask.
"Summer, we got closer, so we take pics. All my friends have folders in my gallery," she says, wiping my face quickly, then my make-up.
"There," she says, satisfied with her handy work. I taught her how to do my make-up two years ago.


People start flooding in, then I see Freddy come in, and I use my hair as a curtain to hide my face. He didn't look sad at all, but why would he be? He wanted to break up.

Our eyes meet, and this big awkward cloud hung over the entire classroom.
"Good morning, things smell awkward in here," Mr Finn says, then he hops onto his desk.

"Spill," he says.
"Well, Freddy dumped me for someone else," I say.
Mr Finn gasps,"Freddy!" He says.

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